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Published August 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Richmond, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Location Where Work Will Be Performed: STATEWIDE (Bidders may bid on one, many, or all locations) Period of Contract: For one (1) year with four (4) optional one (1) year renewal periods. All inquiries for information should be directed to Holly Rodgers, via E-mail to: holly.rodgers@dmv.virginia.gov. No questions will be made or answered orally. Questions must be received by 2:00 PM EST August 11, 2023. IFB# 154:23-21311 is an invitation for an electronic sealed bid; therefore, bids submitted outside of eVA, such as via e-mail, mail, or fax, will NOT be accepted. Electronic sealed bids will be received until the closing date and time provided in the solicitation. Any bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be date and time stamped, marked "late," and retained unopened in the procurement file. Pre-Bid Conference: No pre-bid conference will be held for this solicitation, however, bidders verify, by their signature below, that they have either completed a site visit, or has viewed the work location and has enough knowledge about the work required to be able to submit a responsive bid reflective of the level of effort required and the bidder's capabilities. In compliance with this Invitation for Bids (IFB) and all conditions imposed in this IFB, the undersigned firm hereby offers and agrees to furnish all goods and services required by this IFB at the prices indicated in the pricing schedule, and the undersigned firm hereby certifies that all information provided below and in any schedule attached hereto is true, correct and complete. I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Invitation for Bids (IFB) is to solicit sealed bids to provide comprehensive snow and ice removal services to one, many, or all Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Customer Service Centers (CSC), Motor Carrier Service Centers (MCSC or Weigh Stations), Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) CDL Test Sites and DMV Richmond SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, supervision, and equipment necessary to provide comprehensive snow and ice removal services for DMV properties. A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The Contractor shall ensure that all snow and/or ice is removed from all parking lots, sidewalks, and entranceways prior to the DMV location opening. In the case of sites that operate 24 hours, snow is to be kept below five (5) inches. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of curbing, parking bumpers, asphalt, and/or paving if found that damage to such areas was caused by Contractor negligence while performing snow and/or ice removal. 3. A job site inspection shall be required; see Section X., J. "Inspection of Job Site". B. GENERAL PROCEDURES 1. If the accumulation of snow or ice on the ground is three (3) inches or less, the Contract Administrator will notify the Contractor if services are required. If services are required, the Contractor shall be on-site to provide services within two (2) hours of such notification. The Contractor shall return any missed call from the DMV within one (1) hour. 2. The Contractor shall immediately proceed with snow or ice removal without approval from DMV when the accumulation of snow on the ground is more than three (3) inches. Reasonable attempts should be made to provide complete service in as few pushes as necessary (i.e. wait until snow ceases falling to provide services UNLESS the DMV location will be opening before the snow ceases). 3. The Contractor shall be required to continue services until all areas are free of snow and ice (a single pass may not be acceptable). Snow and ice removal shall be in accordance with industry standards. 4. The Contract Administrator may, at any time, notify the Contractor that snow and, ice removal services are not required. The Contract Administrator will attempt to provide a minimum of two (2) hours' notice when services are not required. No additional fees shall be charged if services are not required. 5. De-icing Service- The Contractor shall apply ice melt and/or sand to sidewalks, steps, entranceways and parking lot when surface icing has occurred, or upon request by the Contract Administrator. Ice melt and sand shall be provided by the Contractor as needed. Only chemicals, which have been approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Virginia Department of Transportation, shall be used. Gravel and/or gravel dust shall not be used. The price provided for de-icing service shall be all-inclusive (labor, equipment, supplies, and materials). 6. Contractor shall remove all sand and other de-icing residues from the parking lot and sidewalks, at the request of the Contract Administrator or his/her designee and dispose of them in a proper and legal manner, at the hourly rate as indicated in the pricing schedule. 7. The Contractor shall provide pretreatment (liquid or chemical) of parking lot only if preauthorized by the Contract Administrator in writing. Only chemicals which have been approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Virginia Department of Transportation, shall be used. Liquid or chemical pretreatment shall be separately priced and not included with the price per event rate. Note: if extreme weather conditions are expected, such as large amounts of ice or snow, the Contract Administrator may preauthorize more than one pretreatment to provide additional coverage of the parking lot if needed. 8. The Contractor shall correct all discrepancies/non-performance issues within four (4) hours of notification. C. MOTOR CARRIER SERVICE CENTERS - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, equipment, supplies, materials, and incidentals as necessary to remove snow and/or ice from scales, parking lots, sidewalks, and entranceways on both the northbound and southbound sides of the Motor Carrier Service Centers (MCSC). 2. Plowing and salt are allowed on scales, ramps, parking lot(s), sidewalks and entranceways. No chemicals are to be put on the scales themselves. D. EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL, AND PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS 1. The Contractor shall have the necessary equipment and personnel required to perform the services in accordance with industry standards, including but not limited to front-end loader and dump truck. Note: During a major snow, a pickup truck is not sufficient, larger equipment is needed. 2. The Contractor shall furnish experienced equipment operators with good operating records who are safety conscious and who shall exercise reasonable care in the performance of this service. All operators should have at least one (1) years' experience in the operation of such equipment and shall possess a valid driver's license issued by the driver's state of residence. 3. All equipment used under this contract shall be operated safely and maintained in a mechanically reliable condition. 4. A supervisor fluent in English shall be available at all times. E. RECORD OF SERVICE 1. All work performed will be verified by the Contract Administrator. Available security cameras will be used to verify arrival and departure times, man hours, snow accumulation, or other determining information. In cases of discrepancies, the Contract Administrator's interpretation shall prevail. 2. Any instance of inconsistency between actual time worked (verified via security camera) and time recorded on the invoice will be grounds for contract termination. 3. The Contractor shall provide the following information to the Contract Administrator within seven (7) days of contract award: a. A designated Project Manager with name, business address, and telephone number(s) where the Project Manager can be reached at all times. The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring the performance standards and requirements of the contract are achieved and continuously maintained. b. A detailed discussion of performance of services during a regular snow event, and a major snow event (greater than six (6) inches), including stockpiling of snow. c. Procedures for holiday closures and other instances of delayed opening or closing early.


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Richmond, VA

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