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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Nashville, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Nash County was awarded the Duke Energy Resilience Accelerator Grant to obtain a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) and a Hydrologic and Hydraulic (H&H) Study from an engineering firm, so that we may apply for future applicable flood mitigation grants. A BCA and H&H Study would be the first step in implementing the 911 Tower Access Road Flood Resiliency project, a project that would build climate hazard resiliency by reducing flooding in an area that has had repeated flooding events. This project would impact more than just the immediate areas flood resiliency, maintaining access to the primary communications tower would increase public safety for the entirety of Nash County during hazardous weather situations. As flooding is the most prominent climate hazard affecting the region, which is likely to worsen over the years, mitigating flooding would have a current and lasting effect. Nash County was awarded the Duke Energy Resilience Accelerator Grant to obtain a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) and a Hydrologic and Hydraulic (H&H) Study from an engineering firm, so that we may apply for future applicable flood mitigation grants. A BCA and H&H Study would be the first step in implementing the 911 Tower Access Road Flood Resiliency project, a project that would build climate hazard resiliency by reducing flooding in an area that has had repeated flooding events. This project would impact more than just the immediate area's flood resiliency, maintaining access to the primary communications tower would increase public safety for the entirety of Nash County during hazardous weather situations. As flooding is the most prominent climate hazard affecting the region, which is likely to worsen over the years, mitigating flooding would have a current and lasting effect. The BCA and H&H Study would help the County advance the 911 Access Road Flood Resiliency project forward with a flood mitigation grant. A BCA and H&H Study would help highlight the need of flood mitigation in this area and increase the competitiveness of a BRIC or Flood Mitigation grant application Task 1: Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study: Assess the existing conditions of Stoney Creek at First Street Extension in Nashville, North Carolina. Data gathering and analysis may include research of all reports, studies, plans, land use, parcels, work orders, FEMA claims, topography, soils, GIS data, previously completed models, reported flooding, and other resources necessary to understand the existing conditions and contributing factors in the designated area, in addition to a field inventory for the project area. Minimum contents of H&H Study: 1. Identification of upstream and downstream impacts (e.g. state, velocity, duration) of alterations to the floodplain, including change to the extent or depth of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) or changes to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). 2. General site description, including location, latitude and longitude, drainage basin, FIRM, regulatory mapped flood zone (if applicable). 3. Existing condition: pipe shape, material, length, inlet and outlet conditions, performance level. 4. Proposed condition: pipe shape, material, length, inlet and outlet conditions, performance level. 5. Will the proposed condition satisfy the local floodplain ordinance and local and state storm water management requirements 6. Stamped certification by a professional engineer in North Carolina and certification that the calculations and drawings comply with 44 CFR 60.3. Task 2: Project Recommendations : Utilizing the H&H study, develop a potential project(s) to mitigate the flooding to the 911 Tower access road on First Street Extension. Establish an implementation strategy for the project. A project is considered cost-effective if the Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is greater than or equal to 1.0. Task 3: Benefit-Cost Analysis Utilize the software created by FEMA to ensure that the Benefit Cost Analysis is calculated in accordance with FEMA's standardized methodologies and approved formatting. Determine the BCR achieved by conducting the proposed hazard mitigation project by quantifying and adding the benefits and dividing by the costs incurred by the project. Compose this analysis within the guidelines created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). BCR will require calculation of: 1. Benefits: difference in the costs before mitigation and costs after mitigation. Calculate using FEMA's standard value. 2. Costs: construction costs; any other project-related costs such as title searches, permits, etc.; maintenance costs; and any in-kind contributions or match from the recipient or subrecipient. 3. Project Useful Life: estimated time in years that the mitigation action will be effective.4. Recurrence Interval: how often a hazard event of specific severity is likely to occur in a particular location. 5. Project Effectiveness: measures how well the project will reduce future damages. C. ENGINEER SELECTION PROCEDURES: Proposals will be reviewed and after considering factors outlined in Section E, the consulting firm will be selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation. Consultants will be notified of the County's selection. The project is expected to commence immediately upon approval of the Consultant and contract award by the County. D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT Responses must be double-sided and shall not exceed twenty (20) pages, excluding cover, cover letter, and table of contents which may or may not be provided at the discretion of the respondent. All pages in the proposal must be 8 1/2 " x 11" and no additional correspondence should be submitted. A sheet which has content on both sides shall be considered two pages. The font should be no smaller than size ten (10). The Consultant's proposal must contain three main parts: 1. Technical. Briefly describe the approach to be taken in addressing the proposed scope of work. This description is to provide a project schedule showing start and completion dates for all major tasks. 2. Management and Staffing. Provide a brief resume of the individuals involved in the project, including their role on the team. Provide information showing the firm's capacity to perform the work within the time limitations considering the firms current and planned workload. Note that the firm shall not have any personal or organizational conflicts of interest. Include the location of offices; if more than one, indicate from which work will be performed. Include subcontractors, if applicable. 3. Prior Related Experience. A brief description of project related experience. Indicate any experience with projects in Nash County and with funding programs related to this type of project. E. CRITERIA FOR AWARDS/EVALUATION :The following factors will be used in evaluating Consultant's proposals and awarding of contract: 1. Technical Approach/Understanding of Project (25 points) 2. Experience of Proposed Personnel (30 points) 3. Experience of the Firm (20 points) 4. Familiarity with the Locality (25 points) The selection committee will score the received Statement of Qualifications and may conduct interviews. The County reserves the right to negotiate a scope of services and price proposal with the best qualified firm(s). If a scope and fee cannot be reached, the County may negotiate with the next most qualified firm. The advertising of this RFQ does not assure award. The County reserves the right to modify responses, in whole or in part, and otherwise reserves the right to waive irregularities or cancel the RFQ. The County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals either in whole or in part. The County also reserves the right to (1) amend, modify, or withdraw this solicitation; (2) revise any requirement of this solicitation; (3) require supplemental statements or information from any responsible party; (4) extend the deadline for submission of responses hereto; (5) negotiate or hold discussions with any firm and to correct deficient responses which do not conform to the instructions herein; (6) cancel, or reissue in whole or in part, this solicitation, if the County determines in its sole discretion that it is in its best interest to do so; and (7) extend the term of any agreement on terms consistent with this procurement Grant has a one calendar year term to complete all work and deliverables from date of grant check. Grant term is 6/1/2023 to 6/1/2024. Questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to Emily Moore, Community Development Project Manager via email to or by phone at 252-462-2471. Questions of general interest will be shared with all known respondents. Therefore, potential respondents should make their intention to submit known to Nash County in order to receive any future addenda or clarifications, and knowledge thereof is entirely the respondents burden For the duration of the contract, the selected firm(s) must maintain Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000, Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions) with limits of not less than $1,000,000, Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum limit of $1,000,000, and Workers Compensation Insurance as required by the State of North Carolina. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


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February 28, 2024


911 Tower Access Road, Nashville, NC

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