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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fairmount Hgt, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

PRE-BID MEETING: Not Applicable for this Solicitation DIRECT INQUIRIES TO: To All Prospective Bidders: Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) is soliciting sealed bids from qualified vendors in response to IFB DBS017-23. Solicitation Documents may be obtained by: Download the solicitation by accessing eMaryland Marketplace (eMMA) link Download the solicitation by accessing the Prince George's County Public School Board's website at the following link Vendors are directly responsible for obtaining updates, changes or addendums either from the updated web-page or by contacting the Purchasing Office for instruction. If the Bidder has questions, they must be in writing and directed to the point of contacts specified. Failure to adhere to this requirement may subject the Bidder to immediate disqualification. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Board of Education of Prince George's County (The Board) serves the needs of public education in Prince George's County, covering approximately 1,789 square miles, with a residential population of more than 904,430. Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS), one of the nation's 20th largest school districts, has 208 schools and centers, has approximately 131,657 students and nearly 22,000 employees and an annual operating budget of $2.3 billion. The school system serves a diverse student population from urban, suburban and rural communities located in the Washington, DC suburbs. PGCPS is nationally recognized for college and careerreadiness programs that provide students with unique learning opportunities, including dual enrollment and language immersion. The Central administration headquarters is located at 14201 School Lane, Upper Marlboro, Maryland. 1. PURPOSE The Board of Education of Prince George's County (The Board) is issuing this Invitation for Bids (IFB) to provide Miscellaneous Construction Material as defined in Part III, Scope of Work. These goods are principally for the Department of Building Services; however, goods may be requested by other Departments within the Prince George's County Public School system. 2. SUMMARY OF SCOPE The BOARD requests bids for the work detailed and specified in the Invitation for Bid (IFB). This IFB will be used to purchase Miscellaneous Construction Materials on an as needed basis. The bidder shall be fully qualified and properly licensed to serve as a ready supply source for the items listed in this IFB. Bids that do not meet all requirements will be considered non-responsive. All exceptions must be noted. 3. NON-EXCLUSIVE The intent of this contract is to provide the Board with an expedited means of procuring supplies and/or services at the lowest cost. This contract is for the convenience of the Board and is considered to be a "Non-Exclusive" use contract. The Board does not guarantee any usage. The Board will not be held to purchase any particular Brand, in any groups, prices or discount ranges, but reserves the right to purchase any item/service listed in the price schedule submitted under Attachment A, Cost Bid Form. 4. BIDDERS IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS WITH PGCPS PGCPS recognizes the significant costs and imposition on the time of personnel associated with legal proceedings. Accordingly, PGCPS has adopted a process stating that: "One factor, among others, that are to be considered when awarding a contract or purchase order is the existence of a pending legal dispute - whether in court or an alternative dispute forum - with any bidder or Bidder which has submitted a bid. Before including consideration of the legal dispute as a factor, the Procurement Officer shall seek the advice of the Office of General Counsel regarding the legal dispute and shall obtain the concurrence of the CEO or his designee." eMARYLAND MARKETPLACE ADVANTAGE (eMMA) The eMaryland Marketplace law became effective on June 1, 2008 and requires units of State government, including those otherwise exempt from State procurement law, and all local government entities, to publish notices of procurement and procurement awards on the State's ecommerce website eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA). The electronic bid submission shall show the full business address, telephone number, email and fax number of the Bidder and be signed by the person or persons legally authorized to sign contracts and commit the company. . BONDING a. Bidder is not required to submit a Bid bond b. Bidders will be required to submit a Performance bond for any single project at or over $100,000. PERFORMANCE AND LABOR BOND The successful respondent is required to submit a performance and/or labor bond, Cashier's or Certified Check in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) as determined by the BOARD and specified in the IFB, of all phases of the contract to ensure the satisfactory completion of the work for which a contract or purchase order is awarded that is equal to or exceeds $100,000.00 (COMAR The bond, cashier or certified check must be made in favor of the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, UPPER MARLBORO, MARYLAND 20772-9983. The Board reserves the right to request performance and labor bond for amount over or under $1,000.00 SCOPE OF WORK 1. OVERVIEW The Board requests sealed bids to provide Miscellaneous Construction Materials on an as needed basis. This means need for materials will be ordered as the need arises during the term of this contract. The Bidder will provide materials and supplies at various Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS). The term Bidder shall be defined as an individual, partnership, or corporation which submits a bid in response to this IFB. PGCPS intends to issue a multiple award contract. All subcontractors are at the responsibility of the Prime Bidder. The Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining any applicable licenses/permits and provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment to deliver materials on time. The technical specifications are contained in the IFB. Responses submitted must meet or exceed all requirements. Bids that do not meet or exceed all requirements will be considered nonresponsive. All exceptions must be noted. 2. INSPECTION All materials shall be subject to inspection and approval by the PGCPS designated representative. All corrections shall be completed as soon as the Board notifies the contractor at no additional cost to the Board. 3. UNFORESEEABLE CONDITIONS Should an unforeseeable condition arise, the Contractor shall immediately contact the Building Service Representative for guidance and resolution of the matter while on site. 4. DAMAGE Damage by the Contractor to any person or adjacent surfaces, shall be repaired and or compensated by the Contractor. If possible, the contractor shall rearrange or work around the unforeseeable condition if possible. 5. VANDALISM/THEFT It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to protect and safeguard materials and/or equipment. PGCPS shall not assume any responsibility for vandalism or theft of the contractor's materials, products, and/or equipment. The Contractor shall obtain permission from the PGCPS Building Services Supervisor or its designee before storing materials/equipment on PGCPS premises. 6. IMPLEMENTATION TIMEFRAME No work shall not commence prior to receipt of a Purchase Order has been issued. The PGCPS Building Service Supervisor or its designee may authorize work to start prior to receipt of a Purchase Order only in the case of an emergency in order to meet critical timelines. 7. MATERIAL MARK UP The Contractor may be required to provide materials, and subcontractors to fulfill the requirements of the contract. If the Contractor provides materials, rental equipment, and/or subcontractors, the compensation will be based on the actual cost of the materials or equipment rental and/or subcontractors and shall not exceed a 10% markup. Invoices, which include materials, and equipment rental, or subcontractor charges shall be accompanied by supplier's/subcontractor's original invoices to substantiate cost to Contractor. The Contractor shall make every attempt to obtain the lowest price for the materials and equipment rental equipment. 8. WARRANTY The successful bidder shall, without undue delay, make any necessary adjustments, replacements, to the satisfaction of the Board, without additional costs.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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