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Published August 31, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Annandale, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Emergency Generator Replacement at Poe Middle School Liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per calendar day will be imposed if job is not completed by the specified date. Should you have any questions concerning type of extent of work required, you may contact Chris Hutzell at (571) 294-8932 or Angela Mylechraine at (703) 764-2457. Any question or request for an interpretation must be in writing and submitted to the Owner by U.S. Mail, commercially recognized overnight delivery service, or hand delivery during business hours addressed as follows: Angela C. Mylechraine, CPPB, VCO, Contract Administrator Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Facilities and Transportation Services Office of Facilities Management 5025 Sideburn Road, Room 16 Fairfax, Virginia 22032 Telephone Number: (703) 764-2457 Email: acmylechrain@fcps.edu Question Deadline 08/26/2023 It is the intent of this Contract to secure services to remove the existing 45KW exterior Natural gas generator, with the associated automatic transfer switch from Washington Irving Middle School. The new 45KW Natural gas generator will be installed on original concrete pad inside the fenced Chiller area. The natural gas fuel supply line and conduits for the feeders and control wires shall be installed as described in these specifications. A. The Contractor shall install the new 125-amp ATS in the electrical room on strut at the previous switch location. Modification to be made to existing conduits to accommodate installation of new transfer switch. B. The Contractor shall reuse all #3 THWN feeder and load conductors for the new transfer switch, but may need to extend conductors, if necessary, for proper installation. Copper compression splices with heavy duty heat shrink shall be used on any extensions. C. The #3 THWN feeders and 120volt circuit for battery charger and block heater and control wiring located at original generator pad shall be re-used if of adequate length to install new generator on existing pad. D. Replace original annunciator on top of ATS with new Cummins Power Command annunciator. Replace wiring/cabling with proper size and type from generator to new annunciator as required by Cummins. E. The Contractor shall reuse the existing pipeline and eight #14 THHN signaling wires in the transfer switch to the pull box over the transfer switch for the run/fault and security relays. Disconnection and re-instillation may need to be coordinated with FCPS Fire alarm Technician. F. Contractor shall use existing gas line and make all necessary modifications for proper installation with all new Ball gas valve, Regulator and external solenoid in coordination with local and IFGC codes. G. If the current generator becomes inoperable, the Contractor shall furnish and install a backup temporary generator with cabling, control wires to the school emergency electrical system while the generator project is in transition. The temporary generator and cabling will be removed upon project completion. All temporary building penetrations shall be repaired by the Contractor. The area around the portable and existing generator shall be enclosed in a temporary fence. H. The Contractor shall ensure all applicable NEC an IPC codes will be followed. I. It is the intention of these Specifications to call for finished work, tested and ready for operation. J. Any apparatus, appliances, materials, or work not indicated but mentioned in these Specifications, or vice versa, or any incidental accessories necessary to make the work complete and perfect in all respects and ready for operation, even if not particularly specified, shall be furnished, delivered, and installed by this Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. K. Minor details not usually shown or specified, but necessary for the proper installation and operation shall be included the same as if herein specified. L. With submission of bid, this Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner of any materials or apparatus believed: inadequate or unsuitable; in violation of federal, state, and local laws, codes, and ordinances, including Fairfax County's electrical inspection rules or regulations; and any necessary items of the work which have been omitted. In the absence of such written notice, it shall be mutually agreed that the Contractor has included the cost of all required items in the proposal and that the Contractor shall be responsible for the approved satisfactory functioning of the entire electrical system and low voltage electrical systems at no additional expense to the Owner.

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August 29, 2023

October 1, 2023


7000 Cindy Ln, Annandale, VA

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