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Renovation of a museum in Meriden, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

As of Sept 12, 2023 the project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established . The City of Meriden Invites Qualified Licensed Contractors to submit a bid to perform replacement of approximately 30 windows at the Solomon Goffe Museum, 667 North Colony Road Meriden CT 06450 built in 1711. This project is ARPA funded and contractors are required to comply with all State and Federal guidelines. Selection of the replacement windows must be guided by Standard 6. Design, visual qualities, and materials are specific criteria provided by the Standard, that are pertinent to evaluating the match of a replacement window. Evaluating the adequacy of the match of the replacement window involves the consideration of multiple issues; o Replacement windows on primary, street-facing or any highly visible elevations of buildings of three stories or less must match the historic windows in all their details and in material (wood for wood and metal for metal). o Replacement windows on the primary, street-facing or any highly visible elevations that are part of the base of high-rise buildings must match the historic windows in all their details and in material (wood for wood and metal for metal). The base may vary in the number of stories, but is generally defined by massing or architectural detailing. o Replacement windows on the primary, street-facing or highly visible elevations of tall buildings above a distinct base must match the historic windows in size, design and all details that can be perceived from ground level. Substitute materials can be considered to the extent that they do not compromise other important visual qualities. o Replacement windows on secondary elevations that have limited visibility must match the historic windows in size, configuration and general characteristics, though finer details may not need to be duplicated and substitute materials may be considered o Replacement windows whose interior components are a significant part of the interior historic finishes must have interior profiles and finishes that are compatible with the surrounding historic materials. However, in most cases, the match of the exterior of a replacement window will take precedence over the interior appearance. o Replacement windows in buildings or parts of buildings that do not fit into any of the above categories must generally match the historic windows in all their details and in material (wood for wood and metal for metal). Variations in the details and the use of substitute materials can be considered in individual cases where these differences result in only minimal change to the appearance of the window and in no change to the historic character of the overall building The City of Meriden seeks the services of a contractor to furnish labor and materials for window replacement at the Solomon Goffe House, 667 North Colony Road, Meriden, CT 06450. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, to award any item, group of items, or total bid, and to waive informality or technical defects, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Meriden. No bidder may withdraw its bid within sixty (60) days of the date of the bid opening. Any questions about the bid document must be submitted in writing via email to Any other format of question will not be answered.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 29, 2023

September 28, 2023


667 N Colony Rd, Meriden, CT

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