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Published September 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Berwick, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Berwick invites and requests bids from qualified firms to supply and install generators at the Berwick Town Hall and Public Works Facility. If there are any questions please contact the Public Works Director, Jody Gigon, at 1-207-698-1101 ext. 100. SCOPE OF WORK & PRODUCTS REQUESTED 1. Town Hall Generator o One (1) new 50KW, diesel, 120/240V, single-phase Generator with one 200A Line Breaker, block heater, 24-hour sub-base fuel tank, emergency stop button (EPO Button), battery and battery charger. o New precast Generator Pad. o Site work for required trenching, back-fill and patching. o New 400A, 240V, single-phase, NEMA 1 Automatic Transfer Switch. o Conduits / wiring and rework as required for Service Disconnect, new Transfer Switch, and existing Power Panel inter-connect. o Delivery, off-loading, and rigging to set new Generator. o Conduits / wiring for Generator Battery Charger and Block Heater circuits from existing Panel to new Generator. o Conduits / wiring for Generator Feeder to new Automatic Transfer Switch. o One (1) Generator Annunciator Panel with associated conduits and wiring. Location for this unit to be confirmed by owner. o 100-gallons of fuel for start-up, testing and training. All other fuel by others. o Site work for this project is included. Public Works Generator o One (1) new 80KW, diesel 120/240V, single-phase Generator with one 200A Line Breaker, block heater, 24-hour sub-base fuel tank, emergency stop button (EPO Button), battery and battery charger. o New precast Generator Pad. o Site work for required trenching, back-fill, and patching. o New 400A Service Disconnect Switch at Service Entrance location and rework existing 200A Utility Service to new Service Disconnect Switch. Includes removal and disposal of existing By-Pass Switch. o New 400A, 240V, single-phase, NEMA 1 Automatic Transfer Switch. o Remove existing 200A Panel and replace with new 400A, MB, 40 circuit Panel. Includes associated breakers for existing branch circuits, new Generator circuits and space for future circuits. This would allow additional electrical loads for future addition to building as discussed. o Conduits / wiring for new Service Disconnect, new Transfer Switch, new Power Panel, and rework to tie in existing branch circuits. o Delivery, off-loading, and rigging to set new Generator. o Conduits / wiring for Generator Battery Charger and Block Heater circuits from new Panel to new Generator. o Conduits / wiring for Generator Feeder to new Automatic Transfer Switch. o One (1) Generator Annunciator Panel with associated conduits and wiring. Location for this unit to be confirmed by owner. o 100-gallons of fuel for start-up, testing and training. All other fuel by others. The bid award will be considered on September 5, 2023, at the regularly scheduled Select Board meeting which begins at 6:30 p.m. and takes place within the Select Board meeting room at the same address above (Berwick Town Hall). The Select Board may act upon the bids at that time, or alternately may take them under consideration for action at a subsequent meeting. The Town reserves the right to select or reject any and/or all bids or bid components as may be in its best interests. We herewith submit our bid in accordance with the requirements and specifications herein acknowledged as follows: 1. That the needs for products and services are the best estimates of the Town at the time of this bid request, but that those estimated needs may vary in reality. We agree to supply the products and services required, whether more or less than those estimates, at the prices quoted herein. 2. We carry general liability (including products liability) insurance, which is in force and shall remain in force during the term of this contract. 3. We carry worker's compensation insurance, which is in force and shall remain in force during the term of this contract. 4. We agree to comply with the general specifications listed in the INVITATION & REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS, TOWN HALL AND PUBLIC WORKS GENERATORS RFP, as released on August 1, 2023. All responses to this invitation and request shall consist of three copies within sealed envelope(s) and shall be submitted to the Town of Berwick by 4:00pm on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Responses may be mailed, or hand delivered to the Town Clerk's Office, and shall be clearly and boldly marked as follows: "RESPONSE TO TOWN HALL AND PUBLIC WORKS GENERATORS RFP"




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August 30, 2023

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11 Sullivan St, Berwick, ME

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