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Published August 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Tuscola, Illinois. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Complexity Factor for this project is 0. This project requires 22% DBE participation, or if the contract goal is not met, documented evidence of good faith efforts. Phase I/II engineering services are required to provide preparation of a project report, final contract plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the Safety Rail-Hwy Crossing Improvement on US 45 and ILL 133 at ILL 133 in Arcola. The project involves FRA funding and coordination and is located within a high-speed rail corridor with trains in excess of 79 MPH. Intersection improvement design is to eliminate low ground clearance vehicle hazard at the stop controlled intersection rail-highway crossing. The Consultant's Phase I work may consist of preparing a project report. This work may include data collection, development of alternatives, cost estimates, traffic management analysis, traffic management plans, railway engineering transportation study, accident analysis, quantity computations, and other related work items required to produce a project report. This project includes Phase II work which may consist of conducting route surveys, land surveys, right of way plat and plan preparation, writing legal descriptions, staking right of way, geometric studies, roadway plans, railway engineering, cost estimates, quantity computations and any other related work required to complete final plans, 3D Model, special provisions, and estimates. This project is anticipated to be completed using 3D modeling utilizing Bentley's Open Roads Designer software (or equivalent) and our current CADD environment in accordance with the latest IDOT Computer Aided Design, Drafting, Modeling and Deliverables (CADD) Manual. Questions concerning this Bulletin should be directed to: E-mail: DOT.ConsultantServices@illinois.gov Or mailing address: Bureau of Design and Environment 2300 South Dirksen Parkway Attn: Consultant Unit Room 330 Springfield, IL 62764 The Prime firm must be prequalified in the following categories to be considered for this project: Highways (Roads and Streets) Location Design Studies (Reconstruction/Major Rehabilitation) Statements of Interest, including resumes of only the key people noted above, must be submitted electronically to the Central Bureau of Design and Environment through the Engineering Prequalification and Agreement System (EPAS) The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. IDOT - 027 - RFP Engineering- Us 45 & Ill 133 at Ill 133 in Arcola, Phase I/ii Rail-hwy Crossing Improvement, Douglas County


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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August 26, 2024


US-45, Tuscola, IL

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RFP Engineering- Us 45 & Ill 133 at Ill 133 in Arcola, Phase I/ii Rail-hwy Crossing Improvement, Douglas County

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