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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Monticello, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

This project includes the renovation of two historic guard station buildings, construction of a garage, work as shown in the drawings and noted in the specifications. 1. There is base rough in electrical work involved. B. The base bid line item shall include all renovations shown for Dwelling #1 as shown in the plans and noted in the specs including but not limited to: selective demolition, structural repair, siding replacement, removal and construction of an accessible ramp, preparation and painting of siding, trim, fascia, decking, rafters and columns, removal and replacement/ reinstallation of exposed fastener metal roofing, weather barriers, flashing, insulation, replacement of interior cabinetry, finishes, interior painting, replacement of sink. Provide the base electrical work described in the electrical work for dwelling #1. See Specification 000501 for a more detailed description. C. The base bid line item shall include all renovations shown for Dwelling #2 as shown in the plans and noted in the specs including but not limited to: selective demolition, structural repair, siding replacement, preparation and painting of siding, trim, fascia, decking, rafters and columns, removal and replacement/ reinstallation of exposed fastener metal roofing, insulation, weather barriers, flashing, replacement of interior cabinetry, finishes, interior painting, replacement of sink. Provide the base electrical work described in the electrical work for dwelling #2. See Specification 000502 for a more detailed description. The project is located in the Moab/ Monticello Ranger District of the Manti Lasal National Forest, in Monticello, Utah, 3749'22.60" North, 10946'16.82" West. From Monticello, Utah 884535. Take US-191 South to North Blue Mountain Road (18.6 miles). Road changes to FR0095 (5.2 miles). Continue onto Johnson Creek (0.5 miles). When you have choices, and there are several, stay on Goosebery FR095 until it intercepts FR088 (23.4 miles). Turn left onto Goosebery FR088 (1.3 miles). Turn left (1 mile). this work shall consist of the construction staking of roads, parking lots, parking spurs, family units, tent pads, paths, stairways, culverts, retaining walls, buildings, and utilities in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. The work includes the furnishing of all labor, equipment, instruments, materials, transportation and other incidentals necessary to complete the construction staking in accordance with these specifications and acceptable engineering practice. Offerors are encouraged to submit all questions in writing at least five (5) days prior to the conference OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Between $250,000 and $500,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Multiple Locations, Monticello, UT

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