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Site work, new construction and renovation of a water / sewer project in Toledo, Ohio. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Question Deadline 09/14/2023 at 4:00 PM ET All questions regarding the plans and specifications must be in writing submitted Electronically. Online Q and A The City of Toledo issues this request for bids to provide all labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals for construction of a new Chlorine Disinfection facility with all new equipment, renovation of the existing de-chlorination facility, and demolition of various equipment at the existing chlorine facility, and any other improvements as detailed in plans and specifications. Liquidated Damages:$1000/day The work will be at the Bay View Water Reclamation Plant. Estimated construction time is 24 months The description of and procedure to apply local preference to complainant bids received by the City of Toledo can be found under Toledo Municipal Code section 187.34. The Toledo Municipal Code can be found by searching for the City of Toledo This is a prevailing wage project. The latest prevailing wage rates at the time this bid was posted are available Please find the criteria to identify the lowest and best bidder for construction, alteration, and/or renovation projects in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), under the Toledo Municipal Code section 187.12. The city of Toledo encourages all bidders to achieve a 15% MBE participation on all construction contracts. The MBE companies must be registered with the city of Toledo for these percentages to count towards this goal or contact Valoree Ohl at 419.245.1791 / or Jackie Agner at 419.936.2546 / Toledo Municipal Code Section 187.12(d) requires the successful bidder of a public improvement contract of $100,000 or greater, which is funded by the City of Toledo or other sources that do not exclude Project Labor Agreements (PLA), to enter into a PLA with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council (NWOBTC). After notification of having the successful bid, the bidder must have a pre meeting with the NWOBTC and sign a PLA within 15 days of the pre meeting. A template PLA is attached to this bid for your review. The successful bidder, and all of the bidders contractors and subcontractors, must comply with and adhere to all of the provisions of the PLA executed with the NWOBTC. In order to be responsive, all bids must have the following with submittal: Construction Project Paperwork Line Items Bid Guaranty (bid bond or certified check / cashiers check on a solvent bank) ) see instructions below Signed Contract by the Vendor Child Support Affidavit Bureau of Workers Compensation Certificate Tax Exemption Certificate Insurance Certificate, naming the City of Toledo as an additional insurer - requirements available

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Renovation, Site Work





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I-65, Toledo, OH

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