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Published August 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Grantsville, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The scope of services being requested by the CITY for the PROJECT includes the following Engineering and Permitting Design Design Civil (Grading, Drainage, Survey, etc.) Construction of soccer/sports fields for Hollywood Park Construction of spectator seating (ADA compliant). (Capacity: min 20 ea.) (additive option for budgetary consideration) Rework irrigation system/ N/A for artificial turf submittal w/ cost-benefit analysis. Grantsville City, Utah (City) invites interested companies to submit a proposal to Design and Construct a new Soccer Complex at Hollywood Park.Grantsville City Corporation, herein referred to as "CITY", is soliciting sealed bids from qualified professional contractors, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT", to provide Professional Design services and construction as outlined within the Request for Proposal, hereinafter referred to as "RFP" for the Hollywood Park Soccer Complex at Hollywood Park, Grantsville, Utah 84029; hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT." RFP Inquiries: All questions regarding RFP must be received no later than ten calendar days prior to proposal due date and must be submitted on U3P Utah Public Procurement Place. *Number of copies required: 1 electronic and 3 hard copies (one not bound for duplication purposes). Page Limit/Font Size: The cumulative total pages for the proposal must not exceed 30 pages (Minimum Font Size: 12, Single Spaced). Page count is exclusive of cover letter, blank pages or tabs, and any required forms. Funding Source(s): in accordance with the grant agreement. Deadline for Questions: August 18, 2023 BID PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER DUE DATE AND TIME OR RECEIVED AT WRONG LOCATION ARE CONSIDERED NONRESPONSIVE AND SHALL BE REJECTED.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 29, 2023

December 29, 2023


235 Legrand Dr, Grantsville, UT

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