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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Alfred, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for Facilities Snow Plowing and Removal Services in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions. Prospective respondents are advised to read this information over carefully prior to submitting a proposal. The County of York invites you to submit a proposal to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and transportation necessary to perform all operations for snow plowing/snow removal for the following locations. York County Government Building 149 Jordan Springs Road Alfred, Maine. 04002 York County Courthouse 45 Kennebunk Road Alfred, Maine, 04002 York County Jail Complex 1 Layman Way Alfred, Maine, 04002 Contract Term: Term of the contract will be from October 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 (ANNUAL 1), October 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025 (ANNUAL 2), and October 1, 2025 to April 1, 2026 (ANNUAL 3). Your proposal should be submitted to reflect the individual contract timeframes specified above as ANNUAL 1, ANNUAL 2, and ANNUAL 3. Sample to follow... ANNUAL 1 Cost/Term $99,999.99 ANNUAL 2 Cost/Term $99,999.99 ANNUAL 3 Cost/Term $99,999.99 Total Proposed Cost $999,999.99 Scope of Services: The selected Contractor agrees to remove ice and snow and control ice and snow build-up by plowing and salting the sections of County properties as follows; 1. York County Government Building, 149 Jordan Springs Road, Alfred, Maine, 04002, north and south side parking lots including roadway behind building to garage. 2. York County Courthouse, 45 Kennebunk Road, Alfred, Maine, 04002, rear upper parking including driveway to side entrance of the building, lower parking (southerly direction) all areas. 3. York County Jail Complex, 1 Layman Way, Alfred, Maine, 04002, Layman Way (roadway from Route#4 to jail building, front visitor parking lot (including roadway in front of the Re-entry Center and Maintenance garage continuing to the east side of the jail building, employee parking lot located to the west side of the jail building (upper and lower). Maintain access to the tower located behind Food Pantry building from Layman Way entrance. Independent Contractor: You and your agents and employees, during the performance of this contract, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of the County. Any manpower needed to fulfill the obligation of this contract shall be employed by you and you shall be solely responsible for complying with applicable state and federal laws including but not limited to worker's compensation law, employment security law and minimum wage law. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for maintaining your equipment in a safe, operable and legal condition. Maintenance Requirements: . Contractor will commence salting operations at the beginning of a storm and continue as needed. Plowing will commence once snow has started accumulating and continue, as needed, until all areas are free of ice and snow and are safe for passage. All buildings must be accessible 24 hours a day. Jail complex and Government Building must have parking available 24hrs a day, paying special attention to employee parking areas. All snow will be back dragged from buildings. . Contractors will have access to a bucket loader for snow removal as required. All snow cleanup operations will be completed within 24 hours after the storm subsides. Cleanup will include pushing back of banking's ensuring unobstructed visibility at all entrances including Layman way. Maintenance Requirements: (continued) . The contractor agrees to provide sufficient salt for operations required by this agreement and agrees to pay particular attention to the salting of inclines, curves, and intersections, and to apply extra salt to such locations when necessary. This will include any call-outs by supervisory staff 24 hours a day. Call-outs will include incidents of icing from storms, melting and refreezing or any events that may cause icing. . Contractor will reimburse the County for the replacement of guard rails, guard rail posts, signs, signposts, curbs and walkways, trees and shrubs, irrigation systems or lawns which are damaged by reason of snow removal operations under this agreement if the County designee determines that such damage could have been avoided by you. Insurance requirements: Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Contractor and is of the essence of this contract. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of Maine. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in Maine. No work under this contract shall be started or performed until the successful bidder has obtained and provided the County of York with proof of insurance for the following types and minimum amounts of coverage; 1. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage, as required by the State of Maine. Worker's Compensation coverage shall be provided as required by law or regulation (statutory requirements). Employer's Liability insurance shall be provided in amounts not less than $500,000.00 per accident for bodily injury by accident; $500,000.00 policy limit by disease; and $500,000.00 per employee for bodily injury disease. 2. Contractor's General Liability coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, sickness or disease, and death in connection with the performance of this work for a limit of not less that $1,000,000 for damages or injuries to more than one person and for a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for damages or injuries to more than one person in any one occurrence. 3. Contractor's General Liability coverage for property damage for all damages or injuries or destruction of property to include, but not limited to, general liability, completed operations, explosions, collapse hazards, underground hazards, environmental pollution hazards for a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for any one occurrence. QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE REQUEST FOR BIDS or PROPOSALS Pre-emptively we will accept all questions regarding this solicitation, submitted via email, to the Solicitation Coordinator at . The York County Committee created to review and evaluate the responses will provide written answers for questions received if they are received within the question-and-answer period's deadline date of August 23, 2023. Answers will be posted as an amendment, to the same location as the posting of the original solicitation. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to view and download documents from the same location as the posting of the original solicitation. Verbal responses to questions will not be provided. Both Questions and their corresponding Answers will be compiled into a PDF document and posted as an amendment. Only written answers will be considered official and binding. Bidders will not be identified in the answers. If interpretations or other changes to this Solicitation are required because of inquiries made during the question-and-answer period, the Solicitation may be amended. All amendments are posted to the same location as the posting of the original solicitation. Please use the following text in the SUBJECT area of the email being sent to the Solicitation Coordinator. YORK COUNTY PROCUREMENT# YC-2023-2571438 Please use this same method of communication for expressing the need for a walk-through of the related buildings in this RFP, we will post a notice of where and when the walk-through will take place in the same area as the original solicitation.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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