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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a military facility in Elko, Nevada. Working plans call for site work for a military facility.

Bid is cancelled Pre-Quote Conference (a) The Government is planning a pre-quote conference, during which potential offerors may obtain a better understanding of the work required. (b) Offerors are encouraged to submit all questions in writing at least five (5) days prior to the conference. Questions will be considered at any time prior to or during the conference; however, offerors will be asked to confirm verbal questions in writing. Subsequent to the conference, an amendment to the solicitation containing an abstract of the questions and answers, and a list of attendees, will be disseminated. (c) In order to facilitate conference preparations, it is requested that the person named on the Standard Form 1442 of this solicitation be contacted and advised of the number of persons who will attend. (d) The Government assumes no responsibility for any expense incurred by an offeror prior to contract . (e) Offerors are cautioned that, notwithstanding any remarks or clarifications given at the conference, all terms and conditions of the solicitation remain unchanged unless they are changed by amendment to the solicitation. If the answers to conference questions, or any solicitation amendment, create ambiguities, it is the responsibility of the offeror to seek clarification prior to submitting an offer. (f) The conferences will be held at the following locations for the corresponding line items and Forests listed in the Schedule of Items: : August 23, 2023____ Time: Noon Pacific Location: Directions: Head north on HWY-93 from Wells, NV for 37.2 miles. Turn left onto O'Neil Basin Road and continue for 39 miles. Turn right and pass through the Gibbs Ranch to reach NF-078: Sun Creek - T Creek Road. Continue for about 10.5 miles and arrive at pullout near the USFS boundary. The drive time from Wells is about 2 hours. See Attached Map. OF CONTRACT A. The intent of this project is to replace wildfire-impacted barbwire fence line damaged by the 2022 Wildcat Fire in the Ruby Mountains, Mountain City, Jarbidge Ranger District. B. This project includes the removal of about 7.6 miles of burned and unburned barbwire fence as a lump sum. New barbwire fence is to be installed along the line of the removed fence, including 12-foot wire gates at roads crossing the fence line that do not have a cattleguard in place (estimated 4 gates). All brace and anchor posts are to be schedule-40, galvanized steel except for wood posts along wire gates. New stretches of fence line will be tied into the nearest brace of existing fence line that was not damaged from the fire. Wildlife reflectors will be installed along the top strand of the new fence. Clearing of vegetation is allowed only as needed to ensure straight fence runs not deviating more than 12-inches from a straight line between braces. C. Work shall be performed in accordance with specifications and drawings in the plan sheets, followed by the 'Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP-14).' C.2 PROJECT From Wells, NV head north on US-93 for 40.9 miles. Turn left onto Oneil Basin Road and continue for 33 miles to reach the wildcat fire. The fence lines to be replaced are on the northwest perimeter of the fire. Total drivetime is about 2 hours and 18 minutes from Wells, NV. C.3 OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Between $250,000 and $500,000. *The for this project is based on a financial range. The is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Economically Disadvantaged WOSB (EDWOSB) Program -

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Multiple Locations, Elko, NV

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