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Published August 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in San Marcos, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 155,000-square-foot educational facility.

Type of Award: Lump Sum Online Q and A: No Contact Info: Tory Hopkins, 919 323 0583, toryh@dpr.com License Requirements: C10 for Electrical, C16 for Fire Alarm Contractor The project is proposed to be a design-assist GMP, public works project, consisting of the following scopes: Mechanical/Plumbing o Upsize (2) Existing Make Up Air Units o Replace (8) Existing Ductless Split Systems in the IDF Rooms o Replace CHW/HHW Risers Feeding Plenum AHU's o Replace CHW/HHW Pumps o Replace BAS Infrastructure (No VAV Scope) o Test and Balance back to original set point (No VAV Scope) o Refurbish (9) Existing Indoor Plenum AHU's o Replace Existing 2nd Floor CRAC Units, CHW Main and Backup DX o Add Split System Cooling at Main Electrical Room o Storm Drain at Roof (Correct Overflow and Primary at 4 drains) o Upsize Exhaust Fans o Add (2) CHW Fan Coils for Room 2320 Electrical o Upsize Generator and Add Elevators to E-Power o Replace Existing UPS-2 o Upsize Transformer and Switchboard Modifications o Electrical requirements to support Mechanical improvements. DPR Construction is seeking proposals from interested and qualified Electrical subcontractors (Proposers) to provide preconstruction and construction services for the above-named Project. DPR will select an Electrical contractor to join our team. Selection of the winning Proposer will be based on a Lump Sum Low Bid approach detailed in the following documents. During the pre-construction phase the team will expect the awarded Electrical contractor to procure long lead equipment, lead site investigations, provide constructability reviews, and pre-planning as it relates to routing and shutdowns. The construction phase will consist of the build-out per the project description below. A separate contract will be issued for each phase. The selected Lump Sum Low Bid Electrical Subcontractor will work with the project team during both phases. The Administrative Building, built in 1992 has approximately 155,000 GSF and houses largely the CSUSM administration. Phase 1 will consist of the Electrical Contractor to procure long lead equipment, lead site investigations, provide constructability reviews, and pre-planning as it relates to routing and shutdowns. (starting at award). Phase 2 will consist of the construction of the project (starting in 2024 and ending in 2025). It is assumed that the building will be occupied during construction. DVBE participation is a requirement of this trade contractor Bonds are not required by the trade partner. This project is subject to Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements. This project requires Certified Payroll. This Project is a public works project and is subject to prevailing wage rate laws (Contract General Conditions, Article 36.02). All Respondents/Proposers and all tiers of subcontractors who will work on this Project shall register to bid and work on public works projects with the Dept. of Industrial Relations (DIR), and maintain current this registration per Labor Code section 1725.5. The Owner and DPR Construction reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid received. The Owner and DPR Construction also reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids received




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333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd, San Marcos, CA

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