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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Leesburg, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Bids will be publicly opened via Microsoft Teams using the eVA e-Procurement website at the due date and time listed above. The bid opening will be livestreamed via Microsoft Teams and made available to the public. o To join the meeting and view the video shared by the Town of Leesburg from your computer, please see the following link(s): Ix%40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fcff6f14-98e4-4734-bf54- 941f010e77b7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2298408a1a-5a6b-48ff-88e8- a0051971a913%22%7d o To join the meeting via phone, please see the following dial-in info: Dial In #: +1 689-218-0588 Meeting Conference ID: 718 619 679# o For more information: Learn More Bidders shall submit bids to the Town in accordance with the Submission of Bids section of the Bid Documents and shall include the following completed documents with their bid submission: Checklist Bid Submission Form (includes Conflict of Interest and Collusion Certifications) Acknowledgement of Addenda Bid Form - Pricing (For Reference Only) ** SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY VIA EVA** Escrow of Retained Funds Bid Bond ** The bid bond includes a certification of consent to electronic signatures and digital seal. The Town reserves the right to request a wet signature, raised seal bid bond. See the Bid Bond section of the Bid Documents for details and instructions. ** Cashier's Check (in lieu of a Bid Bond) ** When the bid security is in the form of a cashier's check, a copy of the cashier's check shall be submitted with the bid and the original cashier's check shall be delivered to the Town within two (2) business days after the bids are due to the Town. See the Bid Bond section of the Bid Documents for details and instructions. ** Qualification Form Reference Form Subcontractor Form Bidders shall use the required bid response forms included in the Bid Documents when submitting their bid to the Town. Bidders who do not provide all required bid response forms may be deemed non-responsive. BACKGROUND The street milling and resurfacing program is an integral part of the Department of Public Works & Capital Projects' annual street maintenance program. The locations to be completed by this contract are determined based on the current condition of the streets in Town and the worst locations are then placed on the list in order of need. The total dollar amount to be spent on this contract in any one year will vary and will depend on the Town Council approved budgeted amount for that fiscal year. This contract may be renewed for up to four (4) additional consecutive one-year periods. SCOPE OF WORK The Town of Leesburg, Virginia ("Town") is requesting sealed bids from qualified Bidders to provide annual street milling and resurfacing services throughout the Town. The awarded bidder, also referred to herein as "Contractor", shall provide street milling and resurfacing services, including, but not limited to milling, paving, subcontracting for signal loop replacement, traffic control, and all incidentals related thereto to complete all of the annual milling and resurfacing work as assigned per fiscal year. The Town reserves the right to perform all, part, or none of the work. QUESTIONS AND INQUIRIES (VPPA 2.2-4316) Unless otherwise instructed, the Procurement Contact is the sole point of contact for questions concerning this IFB. Questions concerning this IFB, including comments concerning specifications, must be made in writing via email to the Procurement Contact listed on the cover page of the IFB. Questions must be received by the date and time listed on the cover page of this IFB. A formal addendum responding to all questions received by the deadline will be made available no later than five business days before the bid due date. Additional clarifications to the specifications will also be in the form of a written addendum. All addenda will be posted on the Town's website. Such addenda will become part of the contract documents. Verbal instructions are not binding and will not form a part of the bid documents. It is the bidder's responsibility to obtain all addenda from the Town's website. Each bid shall be accompanied with a copy of the bid security (on enclosed bid bond form or in the form of a cashier's check), in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bidder's Total Bid Price, pledging that the Bidder will enter into a Contract with the TOWN on the terms stated in the Bid. Should the Bidder refuse to enter into such Contract the amount of the bid security shall be forfeited to the TOWN as liquidated damages, not as a penalty. The amount of the bid security shall not be forfeited to the TOWN in the event the TOWN fails to prove financial capability if requested in writing by the successful bidder. Pursuant to VPPA Section 2.2-4336. The provided bid bond form includes a certification of consent to electronic signatures and digital seal, which must be completed. The Town reserves the right to require any bidder to submit a wet signature, raised seal bid bond at the Town's request. If bidder's surety does not authorize electronically signed (digitally sealed) bid bonds in the form requested, bidder may satisfy the bid bond requirement by submitting an original wet signature, raised seal bid bond to the Town within two (2) business days after bid opening, provided that bidder also includes the following documentation with the bid submission package via eVA: written confirmation from the surety stating that the surety will not provide an electronically signed (digitally sealed) bid bond in the form requested; AND a .pdf copy of the original wet signature, raised seal bid bond. When the bid security is in the form of a cashier's check, a copy of the cashier's check shall be submitted with the bid and the original cashier's check shall be delivered to the Town within two (2) business days after the bids are due to the Town. The original cashier's check shall be mailed/delivered to: Town of Leesburg, Virginia, Attn: Procurement Office, 25 W. Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176. The Town reserves the right to deem bidders non-responsive for failure to provide the original cashier's check within the timeframe specified. The TOWN will have the right to retain the bid security of Bidders to whom an award is being considered until either (a) the Contract has been executed or (b) the specified time has elapsed so that Bids may be withdrawn, or (c) all Bids have been rejected.


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