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Published September 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Reading, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Maintain approximately 7,162 feet of administrative road on State Game Lands (SGL) 229 The Southeast Region of the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) is soliciting bids for road maintenance work on State Game Lands (SGL) 229 located in Schuylkill County. The location and specifications information of this project are on the Attachments 1 through 4. Any questions regarding this may be directed to Vanessa Nichols ( vnichols@pa.gov ) at 610-926- 3136 x 66022. The bid shall be awarded on a single contract basis. The unit price shall include the cost of labor, materials, insurance, bond, and all miscellaneous expenses necessary for the completion of the tasks. Prices bid shall be in dollar and cents only. Payment will be dispersed based on the amount of work completed as per the required specifications. The work may begin after the PO is received by the contractor, and the performance bond is provided to the PGC. Work must be completed by June 30, 2024. No extension of time will be awarded. The attached documents provide all necessary specifications, instructions, contact information, maps, etc. Questions can be directed to: Andy Weaver Regional Forester 717-756-1471 Email: jonweaver@pa.gov SCOPE OF WORK: A. The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), Southeast Region, requires services to maintain approximately 7,162 feet of administrative road on State Game Lands (SGL) 229 in Schuylkill County. Services shall include, but not be limited to, the furnishing of all labor, superintendence, tools, equipment, culvert pipe, aggregates, and seed for the road improvement project as per Attachments 1-4. All Purchase Orders require the contractor to provide the equipment, materials, labor, insurance, and all miscellaneous expenses to complete the operation. B. This project is being bid as one contract. Any questions concerning invoicing, or the contractual aspects of this project should be directed to the Regional Forester: Andy Weaver Regional Forester 253 Snyder Road Reading, PA 19605 717-756-1471 jonweaver@pa.gov Any questions concerning the technical aspects of this project should be directed to the Schuylkill County Wildlife Habitat Group Manager: Kevin Clouser Schuylkill County Wildlife Habitat Group Manager 570-317-6681 kclouser@pa.gov II. PROJECT LOCATION: SGL 229 is in Reilly Township, Schuylkill County. The project is accessed from Rt. 209 east of Tremont (see attached location map). 40.641248, -76.356490 III. CONTRACT TASKS: A. The contractor will supply all necessary equipment to grade and shape the road surface and install a culvert pipe, as well as delivery, application, grading and compaction of specified aggregates. Bid Package Line Items: 1. 3A Modified stone road surface topcoat application on 7,162 feet of road - 3,085 tons o Bid per Ton 2. R-3 stone road base application on 3,534 feet of road - 1,539 tons o Bid per Ton 3. Pipe Bedding and Back fill with PennDOT Stone 2RC - 23 Tons o Bid per Ton 4. Grading of the road surface, 7,162 linear feet of grading o Bid per linear foot 5. Final Rolling of stone road surface - 7,162 linear feet o Bid per Linear Foot 6. 18-inch Corrugated Smooth Bore Plastic Pipe - 30 linear feet of installation o Bid per Linear Foot 7. Stacked Stone Head and Tail Walls - 2 total structures for head and tail walls o Bid per Structure 8. Administration, Mobilization, Terms and Conditions, Contract Bonds o Bid as One Item 9. Seeding and E&S controls o Bid as One Item


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Reading, PA

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