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Published September 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Monaca, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Southwest Region of the Pennsylvania Game Commission is soliciting bids for the mowing of ground shrubs and small trees up to 6 inches in diameter on 98 acres on SGL 189, Beaver County, Hanover and Independence Townships. Any questions regarding this may be directed to PGC Contracts and Procurement at 717-787-6594. This bid should include the unit price per acre. The bid will be awarded on a lump sum total of the entire project. Questions concerning the site characteristics or description of the project should be directed to Field Forester Thomas Respet, 814-414-7205 or trespet@pa.gov. The attached Bid Packet provides all necessary specifications, instructions, contact information, map, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions. Neil J. Itle Regional Forester, Southwest Region 814-227-5019 neitle@pa.gov SCOPE OF WORK: A. The Pennsylvania Game Commission, Southwest Region, requires mowing of ground shrubs and small trees 6 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) and smaller and hand felling trees 1 - 6 inches dbh where the mowing machine cannot operate within the project perimeter on 98 acres of State Game Land 189, Beaver County. Services shall include, but not be limited to, the furnishing of all labor, superintendence, tools, and equipment for the above detailed work as per the Special Provisions (attached). B. This project is being bid as one contract and the contract is comprised of one line item bid. The price per acre shall include all labor, equipment, tools, insurance, materials disposal and all items necessary for the completion of the project. Prices bid shall be in dollar and cents only. Any questions concerning the technical aspects of this bid should be directed to the Assistant Regional Forester or Field Forester: Adam McElheny Thomas Respet Assistant Regional Forester Field Forester PGC, Southwest Region PGC, Southwest Region 4820 Route 711 4820 Route 711 Bolivar PA 15923 Bolivar, PA 15923 Phone: 724-986-4955 Phone: 814-414-7205 Email address: amcelheny@pa.gov Email: trespet@pa.gov II. CONTRACT TASKS: A. Project Location: Lat/Long N40.5226777 W80.3578843 State Game Lands No. 189, in Hanover & Independence Townships, Beaver County. Mow ground shrubs and small trees 6 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) and smaller, and hand fell trees 1 - 6 inches dbh that cannot be mowed, within the project perimeter on 98 acres of State Game Land 189, Beaver County., as identified on the attached map. B. Contractor must comply with the Special Provisions (attached). Maps of project are included with the bid packet.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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23SW SGL 189 Beaver Cleaver Mowing

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