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Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

The Town's Bandstand structure was erected in September 2011 and is located in North Kingstown, at the end of Beach Street and adjacent to the Town Beach. o The Town of North Kingstown is soliciting proposals for the replacement of the Bandstand wooden roof structure, as well as the cleaning/painting of miscellaneous Bandstand elements to remain. o The existing wooden roof structure is to be entirely replaced in kind. The existing concrete foundations and slabs, steel columns and bracing, support brackets, and storage building are to remain. The replacement structure will be supported by six existing steel columns (6" x 12" steel tube columns) and existing concrete foundation. Upon completion of the wooden roof structure replacement, the bandstand steel columns and attached storage building will be cleaned and p ainted. None of the bandstand structure bolts are to be reused. o The major elements of the wooden roof structure include two-6.75" W x 29" D laminated beams (appr. 32 ft long), five-5 "W x 25.25" D architecturally curved laminated cross beams (appr. 36 ft. long), approximately 1,500 SF of T&G roof decking with asphalt shingles and approximately 155 FT of trim boards (wave & straight fascia). These elements, as well as other roof structure components (i.e.: outlooker beams, wind brace assembly, hanger brackets), are detailed and listed on the attached design drawings and bill of lading. o The successful bidder (Contractor) will remove and dispose of the entire wood roof structure, including straight and curved beams, roof decking, asphalt shingles and trim in its entirety. o All wooden replacement members must be treated for water and moisture resistance. The Contractor shall secure and make safe the entire construction site area to the public. The entire construction site must be made inaccessible to the public during times of no construction activity. o All Contractors shall be licensed in the State of RI for all trades required by this RFP and will not be allowed to sub-contract any of the services required without prior authorization from the Town. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that any additional subcontractor work and subsequent costs associated with subcontract work receive prior authorization by the Town. Copies of Contractor's licenses must be submitted with this RFP submission. Failure to maintain a Rhode Island Licenses(s) and/or insurance coverage is grounds for immediate termination. The municipal offices are open 8:30am - 4:30pm, monday through friday. Please plan accordingly. *please submit an original, two (2) copies and one (1) electronic copy. All questions are to be submitted in writing via email to: Tim McDavitt, Purchasing/Finance NO LATER than AUGUST 23, 2023, at 4:00pm in order to post any necessary Addendum in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the prospective bidders to monitor the town and/or state of rhode island purchasing websites for any subsequent bid addendum. No addenda will be issued or posted within forty-eight (48) hours of the bid submission deadline. The bid will be evaluated as to R.I.G.L. 45-55-5. (2) "Competitive Sealed Bidding" and the award shall be made based on the lowest evaluated or responsive bid price. A certificate of Insurance showing $1 million General Liability and $1 million Any Auto, with the Town being named as an additional insured; Worker's Compensation with a waiver of subrogation; will be required of the successful bidder. The Town of North Kingstown reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof; to waive any formality in same, or accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. The Town of North Kingstown will provide interpreters for the hearing impaired at any pre-bid or bid opening, provided a request is received three (3) days prior to said meeting by calling 294-3331, ext. 142. Telephonic, telegraphic, or oral bids, amendments or withdrawals will not be accepted. The failure of the successful bidder to supply the required bonds within a time specified or within such extended period as the Town of North Kingstown may grant based upon reasons determined sufficient by the Town, shall constitute a default, and the Town may either award the contract to the next lowest bidder or re-advertise for bids.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City





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August 30, 2023

September 29, 2023


10 Beach St, North Kingstown, RI

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