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Published September 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

The City of Topeka is soliciting bids for the residential demolition of the house and shed structures located at 1805 SW Lincoln Street, Topeka, KS. Q And A Close: 8/18/2023 3:30:00 AM IST 1. The City will arrange for the disconnection of utility service connections. Before starting demolition the contractor shall verify that all utilities have been disconnected. The contractor is responsible for calling dig safe to get locates. 2. The sewer shall be capped. This must be completed by a licensed plumber. 3. Demolish and remove the house, foundation and shed. 4. All demolition materials shall be dumped in a demolition landfill licensed by Kansas Department of Health and Environment. 5. Demolition landfill receipts to show landfill usage is required prior to payment for services rendered. 6. The demolition shall be a wet down tear down and follow KDHE Regulations and Statutes to include a Class II on site during the demolition process. 7. The demolition debris shall be treated as Regulated Asbestos- Containing Material (RACM) and shall be wrapped in not less than six-mil- thick plastic sheeting for disposal purposes. (28-50-14(1)) The contractor will be required to submit a special waste disposal request to KDHE and obtain approval from Rolling Meadows RDF for disposal prior to transporting the debris to the landfill.8. Remove concrete, bricks, stones, buckets, limbs, branches and wood on ground, desk chair, landscaping timbers, dresser, cabinets, shower parts, basketball hoop, all trash along the fence, indoor furniture, cardboard, loose trash, debris and rubbish from the premises. 9. Remove all interior sidewalks and cement pads between the City sidewalk and the back of the property. 10.Leave the wood/timber retaining wall at front of property and leave sidewalk step (remove sidewalk up to the step as close as possible). Remove misc. rocks, stones, trash, etc. from around the step. 11.Remove all wooden privacy fence along the South property line (between 1805 and 1807); including boards that are attached to the fence and sticking out into the property. 12.All trees, branches and limbs on the ground, incidental to the demolition of the structures. Trees can only be removed if affecting the demolition of the structure. (Include any tree removal necessary with the bid of the structure) **NOTE if a tree in the City ROW needs to be removed the contractor is responsible for contacting the Code Inspector prior to the removal of the tree. 13.All grass/vegetation shall be cut back below the 12 inches to comply with the City of Topeka ordinance. 14.The foundation hole shall be inspected to insure no demolition debris is in it prior to back filing of the excavation. 15.The site shall be graded to drain away any standing water or drainage way and the ground shall be grass seed ready. The Demolition must be completed 15 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed (this includes bringing the property to final grade)


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 24, 2023

September 25, 2023


1805 SW Lincoln St, Topeka, KS

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