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Site work and paving for a civil project in Church Point, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Bids received after the above specified time for opening shall not be considered and shall be returned unopened to the sender. The project scope shall consist of approximately 5,950 square yards of in-place cement stabilized base course (8" thick@ 6% by volume), 1,020 tons of asphalt concrete (wearing course), 380 square yards of pavement patching, and 70 linear feet of storm drainage pipe replacement. Bid documents may be viewed, obtained Electronically Prior to submitting an electronic bid with the Town of Church Point, the vendor must register Electronically All bids shall be accompanied by certified check, cashiers check or bid bond payable to the Town of Church Point in an amount of five percent (5.0%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates. The form of this security shall be as stated in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written as described in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. Bids shall be accepted from Contractors who are licensed under LA. R.S. 37:2150-2173 for the classification of Municipal and Public Works Construction and Highways, Streets and Bridges. Bidder is required to comply with provisions and requirements of LA R.S. 38:2212(B)(5). No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bids, except under the provisions of LA. R.S. 38:2214. Bids will be evaluated by the Town of Church Point based on the lowest responsible bid submitted which is also in compliance with the specifications. The Town of Church Point reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. In accordance with LARS. 38:2212(B)(1), the provisions and requirements of this Section; and those stated in the bidding documents shall not be waived by any entity. The Town of Church Point strongly encourages the participation of DBEs (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) in all contracts or procurements let by the Town of Church Point for goods and services and labor and material. To that end, all contractors and suppliers are encouraged to utilize DBEs in the purchase or sub-contracting of materials, supplies, services, and labor in which disadvantaged businesses are available


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Church Point, LA

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