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Published September 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Contractor shall provide all parts, material and labor to replace components. Requesting bids for a contractor to replace the lid and guide rail assemblies as a sanitary lift station at the Countys Youth and Family Services Center building in Appleton. The following shall also be included in the scope of work: Clean basin and existing equipment as needed in order to perform work. If water needs to be turned off to the basin during work, the work shall be performed on a Saturday with work being completed in the shortest amount of time possible. The building is occupied 24/7/365, however occupancy is much lower over the weekend versus the weekdays. Any water shutdowns shall be coordinated with the owner at least 2 weeks prior to the shutdown. Remove existing cover, pump mounts and guide rails. Furnish and install new base elbows to be mechanically fastened to .375" thick stainless steel plates for support. Furnish and install new stainless steel guide posts for each pump. Provide and install new cover to match design of the existing cover. Cover shall have penetrations matching the existing cover including gas tight seals and gaskets, new pipe gaskets and all new cord grommets. The maintenance access hatch shall match the existing style with a hinge on the far side, gas tight gaskets and a minimum of 6 snap down type clamps that are strong enough to securely clamp the lid down. County maintenance staff open this lid two to three times per month in order to spray down the floats and tank. Reinstall pumps and component to make a complete working system. Site clear old materials and cleanup work area. Follow all state and local codes including confined space requirements Provide a minimum of a one-year warranty on labor and materials. Any bid or unsolicited amendments to a bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered. A PO will be issued by end of day September 1st. Failure to achieve final completion by December 15, 2023 will result in a $50 per calendar day liquidated damages penalty. County Reservation a. This bid request does not commit Outagamie County to make an award or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal in response to this bid. b. The bid will become part of Outagamie County's files without any obligation on Outagamie County's part. c. The bidder shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official or employee of Outagamie County for any purpose. d. The vendor shall report to Outagamie County any manufacturer product price reductions, model changes, and product substitutions. No substitutions are allowed without prior approval from Outagamie County. e. Outagamie County has the sole discretion and reserves the right to cancel this bid and to reject any and all bids received prior to award, to waive any or all informalities and or irregularities, or to re-advertise with either an identical or revised specification. f. Outagamie County reserves the right to request clarifications for any bid.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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500 W 5th St, Appleton, WI

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