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Saving Project...

Published September 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Kalona, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; road / highway; and road / highway.

This project is generally described as a 12-in. thick crushed asphalt milling shared use path surrounding Oak Hill Pond with potential future connections to nearby amenities. The project anticipates future removal of 6-in. of crushed asphalt millings and paving of 6-in. Portland Cement Concrete. The improvements in include approximately: 3,825 LF of 12-in. thick crushed asphalt milling shared use path; 200 LF of 15-in. diameter RCP culverts; and 50 LF of 18-in. diameter RCP culverts. Other associated improvements include erosion control, surface restoration, and miscellaneous work necessary to complete the project. Work on the improvement shall be commenced any time after a written Notice to Proceed is issued, no earlier than September 19, 2023 and no later than October 3, 2023, and shall be completed as stated below in the Completion of Work Section. The Notice to Proceed will be issued after the preconstruction conference, which is expected to occur in September, 2023. The Contractor shall substantially complete the project by no later than May 1, 2024. Substantially complete shall be defined as all utility and grading construction being completed, with the new shared use path fully open to traffic. Should the Contractor fail to substantially complete the work in this timeframe, liquidated damages of $500.00 per calendar day will be assessed for work not completed within the designated Contract term(s). The Contractor shall fully complete the project by no later than May 15, 2024. Fully complete shall be defined as all surface restoration being completed, and all improvements being ready for final acceptance. Should the Contractor fail to fully complete the work in this timeframe, liquidated damages of $500.00 per calendar day will be assessed for work not completed within the designated Contract term(s). Additional Doc Acq Note: A copy of said plans, specifications, and form of contract, and estimated total cost is now on file in the office of the City Clerk and may be examined at City of Kalona, 511 C Ave, Kalona, IA 52247. An electronic copy of the Contract Documents is available online. Sealed proposals will be opened and bids tabulated at 10:00 AM on August 31, 2023, in said City Hall, 511 C Ave, Kalona, IA 52247 for consideration by the City Council of City of Kalona, Iowa at its meeting on September 4, 2023, at 7:00 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers. The City Council may award a Contract at said meeting, or at such other time and place as shall then be announced.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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August 31, 2023

October 3, 2023


To Be Determined, Kalona, IA

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