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Published October 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The work to be performed under this Contract consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and supervision required for the York Road Traffic Calming as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein. The work in this contract includes, but is not limited to; pavement markings, signage, retroreflective traffic signal backplates, and all necessary appurtenant work and materials required to complete the work indicated. The project is located within Jenkintown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and the work is being performed for Jenkintown Borough. The successful Contractor must comply with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Prevailing Minimum Wage Determination as indicated in the Contract Documents and must be PENNDOT pre-qualified as a PRIME CONTRACTOR. All contractors and subcontractors must be pre-qualified with PennDOT in accordance with section 102.01 of PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition. The expected contract value is $40,000-$50,000. Question Deadline 09/07/2023 at 11:00 AM ET Questions regarding this advertisement will only be accepted Electronically Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to the Owner in an amount of not less than ten percent (10%) of the bid or bids. Only bonds from companies licensed to do business in the State where the Owner is located will be accepted and the bond shall so state same. All bidders submitting a bid greater than or equal to $100,000 are required to establish proof of competency and responsibility, in accordance with Jenkintown Borough Ordinance No. 2008-2, An Ordinance of the Borough of Jenkintown Adopting a Model Responsible Contractor Ordinance. Bids must be submitted unconditionally. No bidder may withdraw bids within 30 days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. Jenkintown Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof, and to accept the bid that it deems, in its sole judgement, to be in the best interest of the Borough. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof, as it may deem best for the interest of the Owner. The right is reserved by the Owner at its discretion to reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Proposals may be rejected if they show any omission, alterations of form, addition or deductions not called for, conditional or uninvited alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the Owner reserves the right to waive any defects or irregularities on proposals. Having carefully examined the Contract Documents together with all Addenda or Bulletins, as prepared by the Engineers, and being familiar with the various conditions affecting the work, (including those under the General Conditions which provide for the payment of liquidated damages to the owner, hereafter set at $ 750.00 per calendar day, in the event the contract is not completed within the allotted time) the undersigned agrees to furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct and complete within 60 consecutive calendar days, all the necessary contract work, in accordance with said contract documents, for which the following units and/or lump sum prices are submitted.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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York Rd, Jenkintown, PA

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