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Published February 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Accomac, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; road / highway; road / highway; and road / highway.

The County of Accomack is seeking sealed bids from qualified Virginia licensed contractors for the construction of gate access control, new park entrance and access road at Sawmill Park located at 24401 Joynes Neck Road Accomac, VA 23301 This project generally consist of security gate upgrades and the construction of a new entrance and gravel road at Accomack County's Sawmill Park. Work to be done under this contract includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Installing new commercial apron and gravel road, with associated erosion & sediment controls measures. 2. Installing an automatic security gate across the driveway. 3. Installing chain link fence panels to create a space between the road and new gate for vehicles to pull off the road and activate the gate. 4. Installing infrastructure (conduits, risers, pull strings and junction boxes) for cameras and controllers that will be provided and installed by others. 5. Providing a power source for the gate operator and related switches as shown on these plans from the Voter Registration and Elections Office. 6. Removing existing manual gate upon completion and satisfactory testing and operation of the automated gate. The manual gate shall remain operational throughout the proposed construction, allowing the site to be secured. 7. Relocation of the current Sawmill Park sign to its proposed new location as shown on the plans. 8. Contractor shall coordinate work and schedule with the County personnel and their selected security contractors. 9. And all other work as shown on plans All work is shown on the plans (15 sheets, dated May 25, 2023) prepared by Via Designs. The contractor shall be required to adhere to all applicable comments from these documents. The County will waive the tipping fees for all materials removed from this project and delivered to the North Landfill (9400 Cutler Lane, Atlantic, VA 23303) by the contractor, including concrete, dewatered soil, vegetation, and timber. The contractor is responsible to obtain any necessary County permits to include a Land Disturbance Permit and VDOT permit. The bid tabulation for this project may be viewed on the Accomack County and eVA websites after the date and time set for opening of bids. *See below. The successful Bidder will be contacted by the Finance Department. Any award of the bid is subject to approval by the Accomack County Board of Supervisors. Bidders are encouraged to monitor the websites indicated below* for changes in the bid opening schedule or for any addenda issued. Receipt of Addenda must be acknowledged for this project.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Paving, Renovation, Site Work




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24401 Joynes Neck Rd, Accomac, VA

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