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Published September 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Pocatello, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

- This is a Request for Quote (RFQ). - The Government intends to award a firm-fixed-price contract. - of construction is less than $25,000.00 IAW FAR 36.204(a) - This acquisition is 100% set-aside for small businesses in accordance with FAR 19.502-2. - The NAICS code for this acquisition is 238160 with a size standard of $19.0 million - Refer to Section J of this solicitation for specifications and attachments. See Section L for specific details and instructions for submitting questions and submitting quotes. SUBMIT ONLY REQUESTED ITEMS NOT THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION. See Section M for Evaluation criteria. - Notice to Proceed will be issued within 10 calendar days after the date the contract is awarded after receipt of contractor proof of insurance. - A tentative construction schedule and narrative discussing the work plan shall be submitted with quote. Submittal process and approval shall be included within the Period of (POP). - Electronic quotes will be the only accepted method for submission of offers for this solicitation. Electronic offers must be received prior to the date and time specified in this Request for Quote by Ms. Heather McBride at the following e-mail address: hmcbride@blm.gov. Delivery: 30 Days After Notice to Proceed Delivery Code: 0004276377 BLM-ID POCATELLO FIELD OFFICE 4350 CLIFFS DRIVE POCATELLO ID 83204 US Period of : 10/02/2023 to 11/01/2023 00010 Snake River IHC Roof Repair Provide all work plans, labor, material, equipment, supervision, personnel, and facilities necessary to plan, manage, and perform all work required to repair roof in accordance with the contract requirements. This project is a Firm Fixed Price contract, see section J for the statement of work and attachments. Product/Service Code: Z1QA Product/Service Description: MAINTENANCE OF RESTORATION OF REAL PROPERTY (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE) REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIs): (a) If a respondent believes that requirements in these instructions contain an error, omission, or are otherwise flawed, the respondent shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer in writing with supporting rationale. Respondents shall not contact any government personnel related to this requirement other than the Contracting Officer. (b) Questions/concerns requiring a response shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer and shall be RECEIVED by 5:00 PM Mountain Time, 28 August 2023. Upon receipt of questions, the Government will provide answers, and if needed, BLM responses to RFIs will be posted as an amendment to the solicitation within (5) five working days. The Government is not responsible to answer questions that are not received timely. SUBMITTING QUOTES: (a) Submitting your quote: Submit electronically your quote documentation to include the completed Standard Form (SF) 1442, Preliminary Construction Schedule, and Project Narrative to the Contracting Officer, Heather McBride at hmcbride@blm.gov. The SUBJECT LINE of the email SHALL read Snake River IHC Roof Repair. You may submit more than one quote. If you do, we will evaluate each separately. Failure to attach all required documents will render a proposal unacceptable and will not be considered for award. There are ten (10) sun tubes on the roof of the Snake River Hotshot Facility that have defective seals. Each sun tube seal will need to be replaced following industry standards. C. Project Work: Provide all material, labor and equipment to repair and/or replace defective seals for ten sun tubes on the Snake River Hotshot Facility roof.




Public - Federal


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1250 South Valley, Pocatello, ID

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