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Published September 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bar Harbor, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

No Bids received Direct all questions in writing to Right-Trak Design, Inc. Attn: Jerry Wuebbolt at email jwuebbolt@righttrakdesign.com phone (603) 384-2830. Questions due by 3:00 p.m. on 9/8/23. Addendum(s), if required, issued by 9/11/23 The selected Contractor will be required to furnish a 100% Contract Performance Bond and a 100% Contract Payment Bond for contracts greater than $100,000 (or other performance methods as described in "INFORMATION FOR CONTRACTOR" Document 00 0300) to cover the execution of the work which shall be in conformity with the Form of Bonds contained in the Specifications and for the Contract Amount. MDI & ELLSWORTH HOUSING AUTHORITY invites contractors to bid on Snow Removal at multiple sites in Maine. Abbreviated Written Summary: Briefly and without force and effect upon the contract documents, the work of the Contract can be summarized as follows: THE PROJECT consists of snow removal at multiple sites. The contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to review the scope of work, including the grounds layout and any potential hazards that may affect snow removal services (e.g., drainage structures; ramps; curbs; etc.) It shall be the contractor's responsibility to operate the equipment safely and efficiently; accordingly, any damage that may occur to any of the contractor's equipment in the performance of these services shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor and not the owner. The contractor shall be liable for any damage done in performing these services to any of the owners' property, tenant property, utilities, etc., whether intentional or accidental. Unless otherwise directed by the owner's designated contact person, the contractor shall begin snow removal: o After two (2) inches of snow has accumulated; and/or o When snow/ice build-up has become hazardous by causing slick conditions; and/or o Whenever, at the owner's discretion, the owner deems otherwise necessary. The owner reserves the right to limit the frequency of snow removal even if it contradicts other areas of this contract. o Final clean-up after completion of the storm to be provided by the owner. The contractor shall remove snow and ice from driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and front residence entrance door stoops (not including fire exit) and steps taking special care not to damage adjacent grass or planting areas by piling excessive salted or sanded snow in those areas or overspreading ice removal products on those areas. o Contractor may use any means or methods necessary to perform the tasks described providing no damage occurs to the owner's property. o Ice removal/melting products shall be environmentally safe, concrete friendly, and capable of melting ice even at extremely low temperatures. No sand is allowed. The contractor shall pile snow on the owner's property to not block any streets, driveways, parking areas, sidewalks, mailboxes, fire hydrants, or trash containers. Further, snow shall not be piled to impede the designed drainage flows on the property, whether in the paved or grass areas. Snow should be pushed back far enough to accommodate the piling of additional snow from future plowing. The contractor shall be responsible for supplying all snow removal equipment, all salt spreading equipment, all personnel to operate such equipment, all "salt," all fuel, all maintenance to said equipment, and the means to remove and/or push back any excess snow on the owner's property. The contractor is also responsible for all vehicle licensing and insurance. The contractor shall be responsible for repairing, restoring, and/or replacing any damage to lawns, plantings, pavement, utility structures, and curbing that may have occurred due to his/her snow removal activities. PROPOSALS must be accompanied by a satisfactory BID GUARANTEE (if the bid is greater than $100,000) for 5% of the proposal (or other security as indicated). The Owner reserves the right to waive all formalities and reject any and all proposals or accept any proposal. Proposals are to be submitted on the form provided by the Owner. Bidders take note, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals or sub-contract (to General Contractor) for this construction project.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 21, 2023

October 23, 2023


Multiple Locations, Bar Harbor, ME

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