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Published February 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a road / highway in Hilo, Hawaii. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for outdoor lighting for a road / highway.

Question Deadline 09/21/2023 Any questions, exceptions to any specification, special provision or general condition, or requests for clarification must be received through Public Purchase on or before. No oral interpretations of the RFP will be made to any Proposer. All questions and any explanations must be requested in writing and directed to the RFP Contact specified in this solicitation. Oral explanations or instructions are not binding. Communications concerning this RFP with other than the listed RFP Contact or Purchasing staff may cause the Proposer to be disqualified. Any information modifying a solicitation will be furnished to all Proposers by addendum. Communications concerning this RFP, with other than the listed RFP Contact may cause the Proposer to be disqualified. All potential proposers are advised that the County of Hawai'i reserves the right to reject any offer which does not follow these instructions. Goals. The County's overall goals are: To increase clean energy generation on island. To reduce the need for electricity by installing energy efficient lighting at the Sites. To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in alignment with County goals related to social equity, digital equity, sustainability, climate resilience goals, and advanced food systems. To reduce the need for utility generated electricity. To reduce emissions of other pollutants such as criteria pollutants, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide ("other pollutants" herein) to improve public health and well- being. To reduce facilities life cycle costs and GHG emissions, which includes maintenance, equipment replacement, energy utility, and waste disposal. To eliminate dependency on fossil fuel imports. To improve the quality of performance for all facility users. To address deferred maintenance and equipment replacement projects. These improvements are intended to reduce energy consumption and related costs associated with the outdoor lighting systems with the potential to also improve interior lighting systems at County gyms and pools. The desired result is to consume minimum energy and operating cost savings linked to actual documented cost reductions. Any stipulated and estimated cost savings that may be attributed to this project will be rigorously reviewed. The lifetime projected reductions in operations and maintenance or capital costs will require the clear definition and quantification of historical baseline costs. The savings achieved by the project must be sufficient to cover all project costs including maintenance costs and monitoring fees on an annual basis for the duration of the contract term.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Hilo, HI

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