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Published September 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gander, Newfoundland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Closing Time: 3:00 PM (NT) Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/08/30 03:00:00 PM NDT Washrooms This work includes cleaning all plumbing fixtures, tiles, dispensers, wainscots, doors and stall partitions. Scouring powder may be used on plumbing fixtures or ceramic tile to remove stubborn stains or deposits.A toilet bowl cleaner may be used for water closets and urinals. All deposits and stains shall be removed so that items are left without dust, streaks, film or odour. Special attention is required for the under side of toilet seats and rims of toilet bowls and urinals. Toilet bowls and urinals to be descaled using an approved descaling agent. Floors Non-carpeted floors, including those in stairways, landings, and steps, are to be swept and, when necessary, damp or wet mopped. Use a clean rinse mop. Avoid use of water solutions on wood or similar type flooring that may be harmed by the application of water. On terrazzo, quarry, ceramic, marble and slate flooring use neutral cleaners. A satisfactory damp or wet mopped floor is without dirt and dust, marks, film, streaks, debris, and standing water. All furniture shall be replaced in its original position after sweeping or mopping. Waste Receptacles: Empty all waste and recycle receptacles and remove from building by depositing in collection facilities provided for this purpose. All waste and recycle receptacles are to be provided with plastic garbage bags to be supplied by the Contractor and are to be suitable for the purpose intended. ( Clear Bags for Garbage, Blue Bags for Recycling) Bags are to be replaced when necessary. Receptacles are to be kept in a sanitary condition by scrubbing periodically, as necessary, with a disinfectant. Flushing Drains: All floor drains are to be flushed with disinfectant solution. Water levels are to be maintained to prevent sewer gases from backing up Slop-Sinks & Drinking Fountains: All fixtures are to be cleaned using detergent or scouring powder. Any spillage on floors or walls adjacent to fixtures shall be wiped clean. Marking Boards: Erasers, rails, and trim to be cleaned by vacuuming. Chalkboards and marking boards are to be cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Water is not to be used on white boards. Service Period Months 19 Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.

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Arenas / Stadiums

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 1, 2023

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155 Airport Blvd, Gander, NL

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