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Published August 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Woodburn, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Woodburn is requesting proposals from qualified firms for furnishing Architectural/Engineering and Related Services to assist with facilities planning, space utilization, building renovations, energy upgrades, and regulatory compliance. This is an indefinite delivery and indefinite quantity contract that will be for three years and may be extended for up to an additional two years. The purpose of this solicitation is to select an architectural/engineering firm(s) to provide professional architectural/engineering and related services on an as-needed basis under a task order or Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA). The term will be for an initial three-year term plus up to two (2) one-year extensions at the discretion of the City, if the work provided is deemed to be acceptable to the City. These services will be provided under separate task orders for each project identified by the City of Woodburn. Over the next four years the City expects to add several facilitiesoriented projects to the City's Capital Improvements Plan. It is anticipated that the City will require various concept, design, and preparation of contract documents for facilities oriented public improvement projects. The selected firm(s) must demonstrate the ability to provide a majority of the services required and clearly identify those services which will need to be provided by a subconsultant. The City will select an architectural/engineering firm(s) on a qualification based criteria for the services identified. The firm(s) selected to perform under a BOA will be required to develop a scope of services for a specific task. The City reserves the right to negotiate the cost of the task with the firm selected or to reject the proposal if it is determined that the cost or scope is unacceptable. The tasks indentified to be performed under the BOA will remain within the scope of listed services and cannot exceed a total cost of $250,000. The total quantity of work offered during any fiscal year will not exceed $750,000. The City reserves the right to issue an independent RFP for large architectural/engineering related tasks rather than award through a BOA based on the overall cost of the project, complexity of the project, and need for specialized expertise. All questions should be directed to the Public Works Director at phone number 503-982-5268 or by emailing curtis.stultz@ci.woodburn.or.us. Responses to questions will be summarized in writing to all prospective Proposal respondents. The City will not accept Proposals that require payment by the City. Proposers are required to certify non-discrimination in employment practices and identify resident status as defined in ORS 279A.120. All Proposers are required to comply with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes Chapters 279 A, B, and C for Public Contracts and Purchasing and the City of Woodburn Public Contracting Rules. The Woodburn City Council is the local contract review board. The City of Woodburn reserves the right (1) to reject any or all proposals not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, (2) to postpone award of the contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from date of proposal opening, (3) to waive informalities in the proposals, (4) to select the proposal which appears to be in the best interest of the City, and (5) to reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding that it is the public interest to do so



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Woodburn, OR

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