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Published August 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Requests for Clarification and Addendum Prospective responders shall direct inquiries or questions to RFP in email form only to: Melissa Lipska, email mlipska@waukesha-wi.gov. All questions are due no later than 2:00 pm Friday, August 25, 2023. Responses to the questions will be emailed by Wednesday, August 30, 2023 to all proposal holders of record. If any addendum is issued for this RFP, it will be emailed to all proposal holders of record by Wednesday, August 30, 2023. The City reserves the right to cancel or amend the RFP at any time. Scope of Services 1. Project Background In general, the demand for dog parks has grown substantially in The United States in recent history. The Trust for Public Land reported that urban public dog parks increased by 89% between 2007 and 2016. The City of Waukesha recognizes the growing need for dog parks and is looking for guidance on the proper measures to take to expand dog areas in the city. The City manages 50 parks, which is approximately 1,147 acres. The City of Waukesha allows dogs on leashes at designated parks such as Rivers Crossing Park. Additionally, the MacArthur Dog Run and Minooka Park Dog Exercise Area provide designated off-leash dog locations in the city. The remaining parks in the City of Waukesha prohibit dogs currently. All dogs and owners in city parks must abide by the city ordinances, posted regulations and have a valid Waukesha dog license. More information pertaining to the City of Waukesha's dog-friendly areas and regulations can be found at online at Dog Parks Brochure.pdf. Regarding location, the City of Ann Arbor conducted an in-depth study into dog parks and found that the number of people that will utilize the facility drastically decreases as the distance from their residency increases. For example, 56.1% of people would use a dog park weekly or monthly if it was 1-2 miles from their residence, whereas 78.7% would use the park monthly or not at all if it was 2-5 miles away (Recommendations and Guidelines for Dog Park Site Selection, Design, Operations and Maintenance (a2gov.org)). For this reason, it is important to evaluate the preexisting dog facility locations, revisit the dog ordinance and gather public input in order to maximize the use of the neighborhood park areas in the future. 2. Dog Park Design The design of the dog parks and facilities and all associated components should be consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, The City of Waukesha Standard Construction Specifications, and all relevant State and Federal requirements. Review the existing conditions of the site(s) and include all relevant information in the proposed design. 3. Scope of Work The City of Waukesha is seeking proposals from design consultants to create permitready off-leash dog park plans for the city. The City of Waukesha is looking to either repurpose an existing park or acquire new land if necessary. The design consultant shall identify an appropriate location for the park which best meets the needs of the city and its residents. Additionally, the consultant shall hold meetings and/or obtain feedback at key milestones throughout the development time period to provide progress updates to city staff and explain any specific design recommendations. Goal 1: Inventory and Public outreach Create an inventory of existing dog facilities within and near the City of Waukesha. Review past community input regarding dogs. Conduct a needs assessment for the City and reference throughout the design process. Provide budget cost estimates for proposed project developments. Engage with neighboring property owners and The City of Waukesha residents at large throughout the design process including at least two public informational meetings, one of which may be virtual.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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