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Published September 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Bids received by fax and email will be accepted as official. Parks Canada is not currently accepting bids via sap ariba, you must submit your bid via fax or email as indicated in the solicitation document. Bids received in-person or by courier will not be accepted. The only acceptable facsimile for responses to bid solicitations is 1-855-983-1808.The maximum email file size that Parks Canada is capable of receiving is 15 megabytes. The Bidder is responsible for any failure attributable to the transmission or receipt of the emailed bid due to file size. The Bidder should be cognizant of the size of the email as a whole, and not only the attachments. Please take into consideration that some attachments, when sent, may be resized during the email transfer. If the email size is too large, the Bidder should send the bid in multiple emails properly labeled with the solicitation number, project name, and indicate how many emails are included (ex. 1 of 2). This is a two-stage selection process. Bidders responding to this selection process are requested to submit a bid in two stages. This posting is the first stage (Stage One) of a two-stage solicitation process: the first stage will evaluate the qualifications of all interested suppliers; the second stage (Stage Two) will invite the qualified suppliers to provide a financial bid on the project based on the specifications and drawings. Upon award of contract in Stage Two the pre-qualification list will expire and will not be used in any other solicitation. The qualification list will expire within 180 days or upon award of a contract in Stage Two, whichever is earlier, and the prequalification list will not be used in any other solicitation. Following the evaluation of the submissions of Stage One, bidders will be advised of their qualification result and the status of the tender. Stage Two Bidders will be provided an INVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) for the financial evaluation in relation to the specifications and drawings. Parks Canada requires the supply and installation of 575' of R1000 armour stone, filler material, and Geotech on the Eastern coast of the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. The installation also requires the upgrade of existing armour stone in the same location. The project takes place in a sensitive archaeological area of the Fortress coastline so there is limited access to the work site. The project will take place from Nov.1 - March 31, 2024. This project is estimated at a value between $1,000,001 > $5,000,000, Taxes extra. All enquiries of a technical and contractual nature are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority. Enquiries regarding this bid must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer named on the Invitation to Tender - Page 1 at e-mail address sheldon.lalonde@pc.gc.ca. Enquiries should be received no later than five (5) business days prior to the date set for solicitation closing to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Enquiries received after that time may result in an answer NOT being provided. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

GC Bidding

Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 21, 2023

November 1, 2023


259 Pk Service Rd, Louisbourg, NS

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