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Published September 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of an educational facility in Calmar, Iowa. Completed plans call for the remodel of a educational facility; and for the renovation of a educational facility.

NICC Student Center Renovation & Remodeling Phase II: E-Sports, Student Life, Retail 102 Phase III: Student Services The Plans and Specifications contain the details and requirements of the renovation and related improvements for the NICC Student Center Renovation and Remodeling Project. In general, the work of the project includes (but is not limited to): demolition of existing building features, steel stud framing at interior walls, gypsum wallboard and finishes, carpet, tile flooring, painting, ACT, signage, and Design-Build of Fire Suppression, HVAC, Electrical, Telecommunications, and Electronic Safety and Security in the renovated areas only. The Building will continue to be used and operated by the Student and Faculty, therefore construction shall done in phases as follows: the Phase 2 - includes the renovation of existing office and retail spaces into an E-Sports computer game room; a Student Life recreation room; and remodeling or the Retail 102 bookstore. Phase 2B - includes Remodeling of Student Services reception desk and Student Kiosk; Phase 3 - includes remodeling of Servery 174 menu, condiments counter, stainless steel cabinet, new booth seating, and renovation of Student Services Hallway Ceiling. Phase 2 - E-Sports, Student Life, and Retail 102 - construction would begin September 26, 2023 with completion on April 1, 2024; Phase 2B - Student Services Reception 167A and Student Kiosk 150 - construction would begin December 15, 2023 with completion on February 15, 2024. Phase 3 - Replacing Student Seating in Commons 101, remodeling Servery 174 and remodeling Hallway to Student Services - construction would begin March 1, 2024 with completion on May 15, 2024. All work must be completed by May 15, 2024 including all punchlist items. Bids will be received and project constructed under a single prime contract included in the prime contract will be DesignBuild of the following in the renovated areas only: Fire Suppression and Plumbing related to Fire Suppression; HVAC System; Electrical; Telecommunications; and Electronic Safety and Security. Work shall commence on or after September 26, 2023, with completion of all work on the project on May 15, 2024. Bids will be received and project constructed under a single prime contract included in the prime contract will be DesignBuild of the following in the renovated areas only: Fire Suppression and Plumbing related to Fire Suppression; HVAC System; Electrical; Telecommunications; and Electronic Safety and Security. Work shall commence on or after September 26, 2023, with completion of all work on the project on May 15, 2024. Each Bid shall be accompanied by Bid Security in the amount of 10% of the total bid submitted. Bid Security must be in the form set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid Security must be in one of the following forms Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Credit Union Certified Share Draft or an approved Bond Form Each Bid shall be accompanied by Bid Security in the amount of 10% of the total bid submitted. Bid Security must be in the form set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid Security must be in one of the following forms: Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Credit Union Certified Share Draft or an approved Bond Form

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Remodeling, Renovation

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September 19, 2023

September 26, 2023


1625 IA-150, Calmar, IA

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