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Published September 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a golf course in Greenwich, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a golf course.

SPECIFICATIONS The Contractor shall perform the following work: o Cut existing cart paths at pre-marked locations to be provided on the Individual Hole Sheet o Remove old asphalt o Grade base add #4 stone if necessary o Top with 3" of asphalt- roll/tamp down to 2 1/2 " o Edges: Grade, add soil as needed, and seed with hay overlay ITEM LIST Item #1: Hole #1 cart path: 550' x 6' remove the existing path, pave, soil, and seed edges. Item #2: Hole #3 cart path: section A: 550' x 6' pave an overlay of 2"- 3" over the existing path, soil, and seed edges. Item #3: Hole #3 cart path: section B: 250' x 6' pave an overlay 2" - 3" over the existing path, soil, and seed edges. Item #4: Hole #4 tee area 60' x 8' pave an overlay 2" - 3". Item #5: Hole #11 cart path rear of the teeing area 150' x 11" prep area for a 2" - 3" pave overlay. The Bidder shall provide pricing for each item and a Total Price for all five (5) items. It is the intent of the Town to award the entire project, Items #1 through #5. If the Total Price of the bid exceeds the budgeted amount for the project, the Town will award the lowest combined bid for the items in numerical order. The project is scheduled for late fall (2023) or early spring (2024), weather permitting


Golf Course


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 12, 2023

October 12, 2023


To Be Determined, Greenwich, CT

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Golf Course Cart Path Renovations

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