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Published October 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Indianapolis, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Indianapolis Public Schools is seeking proposals for site survey services. The district requires site survey services including boundaries, right of way, setbacks, topography, existing utilities, buildings, and site appurtenances for various school locations as needed, and intends to establish one or more contracts as a result of this RFS. While the district anticipates the following schools need to be surveyed soon after the award of this solicitation, future survey needs will be completed using the resulting contract(s). The district intends to establish initial two-year contract terms with two, one-year options to renew for a total contract term not to exceed four years. Carle Wilde 79, Eleanor Skillen 34, William Penn 49, Rousseau McClellan 91, Daniel Webster 46, Center for Inquiry 2, Enlace (Gambold) 108, Elder Diggs 42, Meredith Nicholson 96, and Julian Coleman 110. Surveying Services include the following and all files should be delivered in both hard copy and zip file formats at the request of the district. a.Install permanent monuments at all major corners of the boundary of the surveyed property. b.Using GEOID and NGVD Vertical System, establish three additional temporary bench marks that future surveyors can tie into. c.AUTOCAD and PDF of Land Survey including all Topographic data to nearest 0.01 inch, including property boundary and all adjoining properties, right of way and easements depicted from 50-year title search as procured by Surveyor for the property from a title company to elevation of all improvements within survey limits, locations of all existing utilities, roads, curbs, drainage ways, fencing etc. Provide rim and invert elevations for existing storm and sanitary piping. For existing buildings finished floor elevation at each entrance and exit of existing buildings within the survey limits. d.Provide flood zone classification (with proper annotation based on federal flood insurance rate maps or the state local equivalent) depicted by scaled map location and graphic plotting. e.Provide photographs with field notes of the existing site including existing building sketches, vegetation, trees and landscaping, a field sketch of the site and all onsite control, level notes from benchmark tie ins, coordinates of all control used onsite during the procurement of the survey and reference to the coordinate system used during the procurement of the survey (Indiana State Plane East (Horizontal System) on US Foot). f.Provide raw dump of the CSV of TXT file of the field survey data. g.Provide private Utility Location Services h.Existing Land Survey deed/parcel review and vertical datum conversion. i.Property Legal Descriptions and Exhibits. Deadline to Submit Written Questions 3:00 PM EST on August 28, 2023 Intent to Bid Due Date: Sep 8th 2023, 3:00 PM EDT Target Response to Written Questions August 30, 2023 Target Board Approval October 2023 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 8, 2024


Multiple Locations, Indianapolis, IN

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