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Published October 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Caldwell, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The City of Caldwell seeks construction services for the proposed Nancolas Building Renovation at 05 S 6th Ave #102, Caldwell Idaho 8360 Project Improvements include: Tenant improvement of existing 1st & 2nd floor, to include but not limited to modifying non-load bearing interior walls for new openings or infill of prior openings to modify the overall plan. New council chambers and office suites on 1st floor. New break room, office suites and meeting rooms on 2nd floor. Building construction is V-B. Scope of work and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Question Submission Deadline: September 7, 2023, 2:00pm Question Response Deadline: September 11, 2023, 2:00pm Council Award Date: September 19, 2023 Each bid is required to be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the total bid which will be forfeited Payment and Performance Bonds each equal to the bid amount are required upon award of Contract. Notice of Acceptance of the bid. Contractor has One Hundred Eighty (180) days to achieve substantial completion after Notice to Proceed. When sent by mail, the sealed proposal marked asindicated above shall be enclosed in an additional envelope with the notation "Nancolas Building Renovation : Bid Enclosed." on the face of it. No proposal shall be considered unless filed on or before the time and at the place specified in the Invitation to Bid. Project Location: 205 S 6th Ave #102, Caldwell Idaho 83605. Tenant improvemet of existing 1st and 2nd floor, to include but not limited to modifying non-loadbearing interior walls for new openings or infill of prior openings to modify overall plan. Newcouncil chambers and office suites on 1st floor. New break room, office suites and meetingrooms on 2nd floor. Refinishing of existing casework and new finishes throughout. Buildingconstruction is V-B. And other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. PROJ# | COC_TVCCCD




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September 15, 2023

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205 S 6th Ave, Caldwell, ID

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