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Published November 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Davison, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

See attached bidding documents for more information. Due to recent deterioration of the existing leachate loadout manifold system, the project will remove the existing AST manifold and install an improved leachate loadout configuration that meets the specifications. In addition, the sites Industrial Pretreatment Permit (IPP) exceedances should be resolved by installing separate leachate sampling ports for the Cell 1 AST and Cell 2/3 ASTs. The Work, RICHFIELD LANDFILL LEACHATE LOADOUT IMPROVEMENTS, Agency No. 761, DTMB File No. 761/19356.IND includes, but is not necessarily limited to: The replacement of the existing manifold piping for the existing leachate tanks. Due to recent deterioration of the existing leachate loadout manifold system, the project will remove the existing AST manifold and install an improved leachate loadout configuration that meets the specifications. In addition, the sites Industrial Pretreatment Permit (IPP) exceedances should be resolved by installing separate leachate sampling ports for the Cell 1 AST and Cell 2/3 ASTs. Leachate Loadout Improvements Installation Services Richfield Landfill The project will remove the existing AST manifold and install an improved leachate loadout configuration that meets the specifications. Bid Security: 5% ALL questions should be emailed to Brad Hartwell at brad.hartwell@tetratech.com no later than 12:00 p.m., Eastern on 9/11/23. The Contractor will provide all equipment, materials, and qualified personnel required for the scope of work as outlined in this section. The Contractor will decontaminate the equipment prior to mobilization to site and after work has been completed. Power and a secure area for staging materials and equipment is available at the site, however, water is not available at the site Inspect delivery of materials to assure all required materials are on site prior to start of work to assure work is uninterrupted to minimize downtime for leachate removal from site. Advise Tetra Tech of any missing materials and expected date of deliver for those materials.




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11145 E Mt Morris Rd, Davison, MI

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