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Renovation of a municipal facility in Charleston, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Replacement of Eight (8)) Natural Gas Fired Hot Water Heaters Project Submit Questions to: 2:00 Pm E.s.t. On September 6, 2023 1409 Greenbrier Street Charleston, Wv 25311 Fax: (304) 957-7622 Email: All Vendors Submitting a Bid on a Construction Project Shall Furnish a Valid Bid Bond in the Amount of Five Percent (5%) of the Total Amount of the Bid Protecting the State of West Virginia. The Bid Bond Must Be Submitted With the Bid or Vendor's Bid Will Be Disqualified The Apparent Successful Vendor Shall Provide a Performance Bond in the Amount of 100% of the Contract. The Performance Bond Must Be Received by the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation Prior to Contract Award. The Apparent Successful Vendor Shall Provide a Labor/material Payment Bond in the Amount of 100% of the Contract Value DESCRIPTION A. At Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility, they have six (6) existing hot water heaters that are located in three (3) mechanical rooms and two (2) existing hot water heaters that are located in one (1) central laundry room. There are two (2) existing hot water heaters per mechanical room and central laundry room. The mechanical rooms are located on the mezzanine level in each pod. The central laundry room is located on the first floor. The pods are A, B, and C. In pod A, the mechanical room is A366. In pod B, the mechanical room is B366. In pod C, the mechanical room is C366. The central laundry room is in room E168. On the contract drawings, the eight (8) hot water heaters are labeled as the following: A-pod mechanical room A366, GWH-1A and GWH-2A; B-pod, mechanical room B366, GWH-1B and GWH-2B; C-pod, mechanical room C366, GWH-1C and GWH-2C; central laundry, room E168, GWH-1E and GWH-2E The contractor must remove the existing eight (8) hot waters heaters, install eight (8) new hot water heaters, install any required new domestic water piping, install any required new natural gas piping, and install any required new vent piping. Additional information on the project is listed below. B. A, B, and C, pods mechanical rooms, A366, B366, and C366 new hot water heater requirements: 1. The new hot water heaters must meet the following requirements and what is stated in specifications section 1.01(D) or equal: a. Must be a minimum storage of 215 gallons of water. b. The input must be a minimum Btu/h is 199,000 and 58 kW. The recovery rate from 40 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in one hour must be at a minimum of 250 gallons. d. The working pressure (hydrostatic test) is 150 PSI and 1,034 kPa. e. Must operate off natural gas. f. The minimum inlet gas pressure is 4.5" WC / 1,121 Pa. g. The maximum inlet gas pressure is 10.5" WC / 2,616 Pa. h. The manifold gas pressure is 1.4" WC / 349 Pa. i. The hot water heater electric is 120 volts, single phase, 60 hertz, and 5 amps. j. Must be a minimum of 83% thermal efficiency. k. Must be a low NOx water heater. l. The hot water tank interior tank must be a duplex stainless-steel tank .




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Multiple Locations, Charleston, WV

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