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Published August 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New Prague, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The previously completed Comprehensive Plan provided a broad view of the system and potential improvements needed. The purpose of this Feasibility Study will be to provide more detailed information than previously provided. At a minimum, the Feasibility Study should include for each of the four service areas: 1. Review of the previously completed Study and sanitary sewer model. 2. Confirmation of proposed service area extents and estimate of ultimate average and peak sanitary flows. 3. Identify potential adjustments in pipe sizes, configurations, and sequencing to serve the service area due to recent changes in anticipated growth since the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. 4. Provide additional preliminary design information for the proposed primary lift station. 5. Provide additional preliminary design information for the proposed sanitary sewer collection system upgrades. This should include approximate rim and invert elevations for structures. Pipes should include size and slopes base on PVC material. 6. Provide additional preliminary design information for the proposed sanitary sewer force main and connection to the wastewater treatment facility or other downstream facilities. 7. Provide phasing information for these improvements and potential limitations to expansion. 8. Note critical areas where existing ground cover may be a concern. A pipe and ground profile should be provided. 9. Provide cost estimates for each of the identified improvements as noted above and shown in the Figure for the Study Area. These costs would be related to the sanitary sewer component only, and not water main, storm sewer, street construction, or property acquisition. Costs should be broken down into segments or phases. 10. Provide potential funding sources for how the work may be completed. For this Proposal, the consultant should assume that improvements as identified in the previous Comprehensive Plan shall be used with minimal adjustments to piping configurations. The study should be GIS-based using available county and state-based information for elevations, aerial images, coordinates, and parcel information. The City shall make available the sanitary sewer model along with utility information in ESRI formats. It is expected the consultant will provide topographic survey of existing sanitary sewer connection points as required to determine precise pipe elevations as needed. In preparation of the Feasibility Study, consultant is expected to meet with City Staff to review the potential improvements prior to starting work and at regular intervals (minimum monthly) to review progress and address items within the Study. At completion of the Study, consultant shall present findings to the City Council. The study shall be provided to the City in electronic format and mapping linework used within the report provided in ESRI format. Updated sanitary sewer models shall be provided in InfoSWMMM or comparable formats. Proposal Requirements The following items should be included in the Proposal: 1. Project Understanding 2. Project Approach 3. Project Team including Subconsultants a. Resumes for key team members only 4. Project Team Experience with Similar Projects 5. Project Schedule/Timeline with key milestones 6. Task Breakdown 7. Estimated Consultant Cost a. Based on Task Breakdown b. Include Hourly Rates for key Team Members and approximate percentage of Work to be completed by each. c. Reimbursables d. Total Not to Exceed Fee 8. Insurance Certificate 9. Other information Consultant believes is important but is otherwise not required in Proposal


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 19, 2024


Multiple Locations, New Prague, MN

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