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Published December 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in New Orleans, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

As of December 5, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans (Board) will receive sealed bids for Work Order No. 1-1126, Nashville Avenue Terminal Complex Crane 7 Elevator Replacement. The work consists of furnishing all labor, material and equipment for removal and replacement of the rack and pinion type elevator system, including modifications to the existing hoistway and landing platforms, on the Boards existing ship-to-shore Crane 7, as per the drawings and specifications provided in the Bidding Documents. The site is located at the Nashville Avenue Terminal Complex in uptown New Orleans, Louisiana. (Estimated Cost: $350,000 to $470,000 ). All Bids must be in accordance with the Bidding Documents on file with the Port of New Orleans. If request for Bidding Documents is made through U.S. mail or other delivery services, bidder must furnish a street mailing address and will be held responsible for service fees. Federal regulations require that persons seeking entry to secure areas of United States ports must present a valid Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC) card and must maintain possession of the TWIC at all times in secure port areas, including the Nashville Avenue Terminal Complex. See Section 1000 General Requirements. Bidding Documents will be issued only to those contractors complying with state licensing laws for contractors, La. R.S. 37:2150, et. seq. On any bid submitted in the amount of $50,000 or more, the contractor must hold at the time this bid is opened a valid license issued by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors. This project is classified as Elevators, Dumbwaiters and Escalators or Cranes, Crane Rail Systems, Roof Cars & Trolleys. Objection to the required classification should be filed in accordance with La. R.S. 37:2165. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the cost of the contract price of work to be done for the Base Bid plus all additive Alternate Bid prices, by certified check, cashiers check or bid bond is required, and the bidder to whom the contract is awarded shall also be required to furnish a performance bond in the total amount of the bid. The bid bond must be furnished in accordance with the requirements of La. R.S. 38:2218, and the performance bond in accordance with the provisions of La. R.S. 38:2219. The award of contract, if awarded, will be made within 45 calendar days after bid opening to the lowest qualified bidder whose bid complies with all requirements prescribed. However, when the contract is to be financed by bonds which are required to be sold after receipt of bids, or when the contract is to be financed in whole or in part by federal, state or other funds not available at the time bids are received, or when the contract requires a poll of the Louisiana Legislature before contract funds are available, the time will not start until receipt of federal or state concurrence or concurrence of the other funding source in accordance with LA. R.S. 38:2215(D). Award will be within 45 calendar days after the sale of bonds or receipt of concurrence in award from the federal or state agency or other funding source. Funds for this contract:will not be immediately available, the 45-day period for contract award will not begin at the time of bid opening, and the deadlines under La. R.S. 38:2215 for contract execution and issuance of notice to proceed shall not apply. _X_ will be immediately available and the 45-day period for contract award will begin at the time of bid opening. Work in the amount of at least sixty percent (60%) of total amount of contract as awarded shall be performed by contractor at the construction site or within his own shop, plant, or yard with his own employees. The Board as an equal opportunity public entity invites and encourages DBEs and SBEs to submit bids on its projects. In order to comply with the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, such certification programs must be race and gender neutral. All questions, correspondence, inquiries, and other communications regarding this procurement shall be directed to Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, Procurement Department, 1350 Port of New Orleans Place, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 or procurement@portnola.com. All questions will be answered via addenda and will be posted Electronically.Questions must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to bid opening. These individuals are not authorized to and shall not render legal opinions or advice. No information will be given regarding the proper evidence of corporate authority as required in this bid. Each bidder is advised to consult his own counsel for such information. Please be advised that these individuals are not the legal representatives of the Board. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Question Deadline 09/15/2023

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October 24, 2023

December 25, 2023


Multiple Locations, New Orleans, LA

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