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Published September 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a military facility in Flagstaff, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a military facility.

1) Contractor will construct approximately 3 miles of new fence where existing livestock pasture fence is no longer able to be maintained on the Black Bill Allotment: a) Pasture Fence 1 between Summit and North Black Bill Pastures - 3strand (top 2 wires barbed and the bottom wire smooth) to Forest Standards (Appendix A). b) Pasture Fence 12 between North Black Bill and South Black Bill - 3 strand (top 2 wires barbed and the bottom wire smooth) to Forest Standards (Appendix A). 3) Contractor will construct approximately 13 breakaway fences (items 2-11 and 13-15 on the map). This will be a 4-strand fence (top 3 wires barbed and the bottom wire smooth) built to Forest Standards (Appendix A). Contractor will use Bar None Braces for H-braces. 4) Contractor will roll up and remove from Forest Lands approximately 3 miles of fence from the Lockwood Springs and Barney Pastures on the Windmill West Allotment. 5) Contractor will conduct hazard tree removal along the two pasture fences (a and be above), approximately 3 miles. The contractor will provide the following fence materials for the project: barbed wire, smooth wire, steel brace posts and down braces plus hardware, wood stays, stay wire, fence clips. The Contractor shall provide any other miscellaneous supplies or materials needed. Contractor shall furnish all tools, equipment, supervision, transportation, and safety equipment necessary to complete the project. Contractor shall follow the Standard Specifications and the Standard Fire Plan. Project Locations Project areas and fence segments are on the following allotments on the Flagstaff Ranger Districts of the Coconino National Forest, Coconino County, Arizona: Summit and North Wild Bill Pasture Fence -1 mile re-construction; 1 mile hazard tree removal; 1 mile of fence roll up and removal Shown as item #1 on the map below Runs east-west, Secs 5, T22N, R8E The fence is a pasture fence that will be used to contain and manage cattle distribution. The ground that the fence is built on is rocky and hilly. Elevation is approximately 7,000 feet. Weather conditions can change quickly, particularly during the summer monsoon period of July, August and September when strong thunder and lightning storms occur. Snowfall is common in the late fall throughout the winter. North Wild Bill and South Wild Bill Pasture Fence - 1.25 miles re-construction; 1.25 miles hazard tree removal; 1.25 miles of fence roll up and removal Shown as item #12 on the map below Runs east-west Secs 18 T22N, R8E The fence is a pasture fence that will be used to contain and manage cattle distribution. The fence is on rocky ground that is hilly. Elevation is approximately 7,000 feet. Weather conditions can change quickly, particularly during the summer monsoon period of July, August and September when strong thunder and lightning storms occur. Snowfall is common in the late fall throughout the winter. Replacement of breakaway fencing is at 13 locations along the western allotment fence line. Existing breakaway fencing will be removed. Shown as items #2-11 and #13-15 on the map below Elevation is approximately 7,000 feet. Weather conditions can change quickly, particularly during the summer monsoon period of July, August and September when strong thunder and lightning storms occur. Snowfall is common in the late fall throughout the winter. 09/08/2023 at 5:00 PM MT Submit RFI's via to derek.lavey@usda.gov AZ202300030-06-09-2023 Black Bill Allotment fence replacement for fence damaged by Tunnel and Pipeline Fires




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Multiple Locations, Flagstaff, AZ

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