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Published September 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Stearns, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The McCreary County Board of Education project consists of Addition & Renovation for LAVEC at McCreary County High School. Bid Package No. 030 General Trades Bid Package No. 040 Masonry Bid Package No. 050 Structural Steel, Joists, Decking & Misc Steel Bid Package No. 070 Roofing Bid Package No. 090/091 Gypsum Drywall/metal Framing/acoustical Ceilings Bid Package No. 092 Flooring Bid Package No. 150/152 HVAC/plumbing Bid Package No. 153 Fire Protection System Bid Package No. 160 Electrical The McCreary County Board of Education project consists of Addition & Renovation for LAVEC at McCreary County High School. The site is located at 400 Raider Way, Stearns, KY 42653. A certified check, payable to the McCreary County Board of Education, or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to 5% of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. Successful bidders will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds. The bond shall cover the entire base bid cost and any accepted alternates (direct purchase orders must be included). The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. Bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will be returned unopened to the bidders. Any bid not submitted on the proper form shall not be considered. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days subsequent to the opening of bids without consent of the McCreary County Board of Education. The Form of Proposal and Proposal Envelope must be requested and obtained from the Construction Manager, Branscum Construction Company, Inc., Key Village Office Park, P.O. Box 559, Russell Springs, Kentucky, 42642, (270) 866-5107. All bids must be submitted only on the forms and in the envelope prepared by Branscum Construction Company, Inc. The Proposal Envelope shall have the Project and respective Bid Package Number(s) affixed. There are major material items within certain bid divisions listed above, which will bid through the respective Contractor, but purchased directly by the McCreary County Board of Education. Interested material suppliers should contact the Construction Manager, Branscum Construction Company, Inc., for the names of Contractors who have expressed interest in the Bid Packages involved. Bids must be delivered to the address prior to bid time. Bids must be submitted in the Bid Envelope supplied by the Construction Manager. Branscum Construction Company, Inc. is the Construction Manager for this project, acting as agent for the Owner, and acting on the Owners behalf in soliciting proposals. Each successful bidder will execute a contract directly with the Owner and not with the Construction Manager. Direct any questions affecting the preparation of your proposal to Mr. Jonathan Smith, Construction Manager, to the above address, or phone (270) 866-5107, FAX (270) 866-3028, jsmith@branscumconstruction.com




Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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400 Raider Way Rd, Stearns, KY

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