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Published September 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Springfield, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Bid Questions: Sandi Weston 541-744-3706 Office sandiw@subutil.com The plans, bid document, scope of work and specifications are considered by SUB to be complete, clear, and understandable. Any requirement indicated in any of these documents and not in the other(s) shall be construed to govern as though the same appeared in both documents. Bidders are notified that they are expected to examine the plans, specifications, general conditions, and thoroughly familiarize themselves with the field conditions, the character of the proposed work, the amount and quality of materials required as well as with Federal, State, and local laws, pertinent to this improvement. Bidders shall make their own investigation of said conditions and make their own tests considered necessary to determine conditions and the character of materials to be modified. Bidders shall obtain explanations and clarifications as to design and application requirements from SUB before submitting their proposal. Prior to submitting proposal(s), bidders shall contact SUB for clarification, irregularities, or apparent errors, which may be contained in the bid documents. SUB reserves the right towaive minor irregularities or errors contained in the submitted bid, if the intent is clear. However, failure on the bidder's part to request clarification as stipulated above shall obligate the Bidder to abide by SUB's decision as to the intended meaning of any portion of the provision. SUB reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All prospective bidders are invited to attend a mandatory pre-bid job walk through at: 10:30 a.m. on 8-30-23. Participants will meet at 5335 Daisy St., Springfield, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss questions relative to the bid documents, bidding procedure and project specifications. The walk through will allow prospective bidders an opportunity to inspect the field conditions and nature of work to be performed. CONTRACT AWARD If applicable, the members of Springfield Utility Board will vote on the award of contract at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Bidder will be informed of contract award by SUB. Bidder shall not perform any contract work until informed by SUB of award. SCOPE OF WORK Springfield Utility Board (SUB) seeks a contractor to install underground facilities consisting of three (3) three-inch (3") conduits & three (3) Secondary Pedestal for new underground electric distribution cable for the entire length of the project. The work will consist of boring & installing Secondary Pedestals at one location. Location: Work will include, but not limited to, Installing three (3) three-inch (3") conduit & three (3) Secondary Pedestals at 5335 Daisy Street in Springfield OR. 1. Bore and install one (1) three-inch (3") conduit starting from SUB Vault # (73P116) at the SW corner of Lot #61 at 5335 Daisy Street boring East ~60' ft. to the SW corner of Lot #62 at 5335 Daisy Street. 2. Install Secondary Pedestal in the SW corner of Lot #62 at 5335 Daisy Street. 3. Bore and install (1) three-inch (3") conduit starting at the SW corner of Lot #62 at 5335 Daisy Street boring East ~60' ft. to the SW corner of Lot #63 at 5335 Daisy Street. 4. Install Secondary Pedestal in the SW corner of Lot #63 at 5335 Daisy Street. 5. Bore and install (1) three-inch (3") conduit starting at the SW corner of Lot #63 at 5335 Daisy Street boring East ~60' ft. to the SW corner of Lot #64 at 5335 Daisy Street. 6. Install Secondary Pedestal in the SW corner of Lot #64 at 5335 Daisy Street. 7. Blow string (Mule Tape) thru new 3" inch conduit. 8. Contractor shall restore any disturbed landscaping to original condition or better. Contractor is responsible for requesting underground utility locates, private locates and is responsible for pot holing as necessary.

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

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September 5, 2023

September 14, 2023


5335 Daisy St, Springfield, OR

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