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Published October 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a conference / convention center in Marquette, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

ACCEPTING RFP QUESTIONS UNTIL: Please do not submit online questions via VSS. ALL questions should be emailed to Jeff Barsch at barschj@michigan.gov address no later than 12:00 p.m., Eastern on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. All contractor / vendor representatives attending Pre-Proposal Walk Through Meeting must submit a Vendor / Contractor LEIN Request form five (5) business days prior to the meeting date (See the attached Vendor/Contractor LEIN Request Form). Send the LEIN Request form, filled and signed, by email to Daniel T. Smith at email address: smithD76@michigan.gov. The email "Subject" must include (facility name, project name, date, and time of Pre-Proposal Walk Through Meeting). PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SERVICES REQUESTED: The Department of Technology, Management and Budget partnering with the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) is requesting professional architectural and engineering services for the design and construction administration (Phases 500, 600, and 700) for the level 5 cooler/freezer replacement at Marquette Branch Prison. Project Scope: Level 5 Kitchen new cooler/freezer Removal and replacement of the existing Cooler/ Freezer and refrigeration system for the cooler/freezer, including associated piping, controls, and electrical. There will need to be coordination with an additional contract for security camera upgrades that will be in construction during the design phase of this contract. That coordination will need to occur with Bret Emerson of Commtech Design. Staging/coordination with the facility for shutdown and temporary storage for food items will be discussed and planned for during the design phase and further coordinated with the Professional Services Contractor (PSC) and Contractor during the construction phase Budget: A project construction budgets of $460,000 has been programmed by MDOC. The PSC shall review this budget and provide commentary on if this is considered sufficient based on the professional's experience with similar projects. Should this not be sufficient the PSC's recommendations and design construction estimates will be used to seek construction funding for the projects. Schedule: MDOC wishes to have the project completed as soon as possible. Completion of any required or recommended testing, adjusting and/or commissioning as recommended by the PSC shall also be included in the fees for the PSC's scope of services. Professionals shall provide a proposed design and construction schedule, including LARA Review and final system commissioning if the PSC recommends that service. Professionals should also include any additional applicable agency review times in the proposed project schedule. Owner Review time shall be included in the PSC's design schedule. The Proposed construction schedule shall also include anticipated lead times for delivery of the new equipment. Occupancy: Marquette Branch Prison will remain open throughout the information gathering, design, and construction phases. Portions of kitchen may be closed, as required, during construction; however, the PSC shall design the project in such a way as to limit the number of shutdowns and closures. Fieldwork by the PSC and construction scheduling must be coordinated with MDOC in advance to minimize disruption to operation of the facilities. SERVICES REQUESTED: The Professional Services Contractor (PSC) shall provide Phase 500 Final Design Services, Phase 600 Construction Administration Office Services, and Phase 700 Construction Administration Field Services for the project. The PSC shall include any required Phase 300 Schematic Design and Phase 400 Preliminary Design tasks necessary to complete Final Design for Contract Document development in the Phase 500 proposal technical summary. Professional Services shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Phase 500 Final Design and Development of Contract Documents for Bidding a. Contract Documents shall be created utilizing the current State of Michigan, Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB), State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction Division (DCD), DC Spec General Conditions and the Master Spec format. i. The Contract Documents shall meet the approval of MDOC and DTMB. The Contract Documents shall meet all code and permitting agency requirements as well as accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act which incorporates the 2010 Department of Justice's ADA Standards for Accessible Design. b. The proposed replacement cooler/freezer is desired to match the existing in size, layout, and function to the greatest extent possible. Exterior protection similar to what the facility currently has is desired. c. The PSC shall review the existing facility carts utilized in this kitchen to ensure the new cooler/freezer will be compatible with current operations. d. The Contract Documents for the Food Service Refrigeration Upgrades shall meet all requirements of the current United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code and the current Michigan Food Law, MCL 289.1101 et seq., including applicable standards issued by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. e. PSC shall provide, at a minimum, virtual design meetings at design kickoff (this could also be scheduled as an onsite meeting) 50% and 90% completion of Contract Documents. The PSC is responsible for the submittal of 50% and 90% Contract Documents and estimates for owner review a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the proposed review meeting dates. 100% review documents shall be provided for owner review, but a 100% review meeting is not required. f. PSC shall provide construction estimates for owner review at 50%, 90%, and 100%. Review of the construction budget will be required at the 50% and 90% design review meetings. i. PSC shall provide a proposed schedule for design and construction with the RFP response. The PSC shall provide active project management and maintain their proposed schedule of tasks and milestones including, but not limited to, critical project tasks such as consultation and other data collection tasks. The PSC's schedule shall not only itemize and identify the critical project tasks, path, and correlation, but the PSC shall be proactive in identifying and implementing remedial actions necessary to get back on schedule if schedule slippage is encountered. Agency review task durations on the PSC's schedule should not be considered flexible for gaining back time should schedule slippage occur. PSC shall be responsible for the development of phasing plans and/or a construction schedule recommendation to avoid negatively impacting facility operations. The schedule shall allow for review time by all applicable permitting agencies, including BFS, LARA, and any other required permitting agencies. g. PSC shall be responsible for posting projects on SIGMA for bid advertisement, performing a pre-bid meeting (in-person meeting), issuing addenda, performing Best Value Bid Evaluations on bidders, and generating PSC recommendations of Contract Award for construction. 2. Phases 600 & 700 Construction Administration a. A brief description of anticipated duration of and proposed schedule for construction with an estimated number of site visits for inspection and an estimated number of progress meetings shall be included in the proposal. b. Phase 600 and 700 Construction Administration Services shall be based on the following: i. PSC shall manage and run all pre-construction and progress meetings throughout the project duration. ii. PSC shall manage and run all pre-construction and progress meetings throughout the project Meeting minutes from each progress meeting and reports from each site visit shall be distributed to the Project Team within five (5) calendar days of the meeting and/or site visit. iii. Include all staff labor and costs required for Phase 600 Office Services. Assume progress meetings occur on a once per every two-week basis in an online meeting format. Progress meetings will NOT be concurrent with on-site project inspections. iv. Include all staff labor and costs required for Phase 700 Field Services. Assume on-site inspections occur on a once per every two-week basis. . Include all reimbursable costs for Phase 600 Office Services on the Phase 600 reimbursement line item. vi. Include all reimbursable costs for Phase 700 Field Services on the Phase 700 reimbursement line item. vii. Coordination with any testing companies will be required of both the PSC and Contractor. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Provide a complete PSC Proposal (Technical and Cost) for all required Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in compliance with the State of Michigan, Department of Technology Management and Budget (DTMB) Project Statement Form (DTMB-0427), the DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract, the DTMB RFP Billable Rate Form (DMTB-0430), and the DTMB State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction Division (DCD) policies and procedures for the development of Contract Documents and Construction Administration. 1. Travel reimbursements and billing rates shall be in accordance with the DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract. 2. PSC shall detail all labor required for each phase. a. PSC shall provide clear documentation of the number of meetings proposed during the design phase and indicate which meetings, if any, will need to be onsite. b. PSC shall detail the number of site inspections anticipated during the construction of the scope items in their proposal. c. The PSC shall detail the anticipated number of construction progress meetings anticipated during the project in their proposal, separated by scope item. PSC shall assume that construction progress meetings will NOT occur concurrently with the site inspections. 3. PSC shall detail all reimbursable expenses for each phase. PSC must include the following services in their proposal. Please reference the ALLOWANCES section for allowance amounts to be included for items listed below. a. Phase 500 Design Services i. List and include all field services and testing required for the proper design of the project as reimbursable expenses. ii. List and include all reimbursable expenses for plan review by BFS and LARA. This shall include application preparation, submission, and application fees. iii. List and include any additional permitting or testing anticipated to be required as reimbursable expenses. iv. List and include any other anticipated reimbursable expenses in the respective phase(s). b. Phase 600 and 700 Construction Services i. List and include all reimbursable expenses for construction site inspections including mileage as allowed according to the contract ALLOWANCES: Identify and itemize all reimbursable and travel expenses in the PSC Cost proposal as allowances. The allowance amount shall include the expenses for the scope of work indicated (plan review fees, etc.) as well as the PSC staff labor to perform the scope of work indicated for each respective allowance (i.e., PSC staff time spent filling out an application for plan review or collecting samples for hazardous materials testing would be included in the allowance). If the PSC feels the allowances listed are not adequate to cover their expenses and staff time for any allowance, the PSC shall state so in their proposal and include the additional amount they feel is needed to adequately complete the scope of work for the respective allowance. PSC shall include the following as reimbursable expense allowances in their proposal: 1. $1,500 reimbursable allowance for plan review and permit applications for the following tasks a. LARA BCC Application for Plan Examination b. BFAS Application for Fire Safety Plan Examination 2. $5,000 Allowance for Hazardous Material Survey/Removal Plan/Removal Specification PSC may include the following as reimbursable expense allowances in their proposal: 3. any additional anticipated permit applications - PSC shall identify the specific additional permit(s) required and include a "permitting" allowance for the amount they determine necessary. 4. any testing anticipated to complete Phase 500 Final Design - PSC shall identify the specific testing required and include a "testing" allowance for the amount they determine necessary. 5. any other miscellaneous expenses - PSC shall identify the specific miscellaneous expenses required and include a "miscellaneous expenses" allowance for the amount they determine necessary. The miscellaneous expenses shall be allowed reimbursable items per the PSC contract. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Timely minutes from all meetings will be required per the PSC contract. 2. PSC to follow DTMB naming convention of DTMB file number / project name / Y (contract) number / subject on all project documents. 3. PSC shall provide sufficient back-up on all invoices for reimbursable expense. 4. PSC shall provide a progress summary e-mail to the project team every two weeks. Each progress summary shall document the prior two-weeks' progress by the PSC and display the initial project schedule and current schedule status. ATTACHMENTS: 1. MBP Facility Buildings Overview - indicates building where work will occur. 2. MBP-Central Kitchen - indicating locations of work for refrigeration equipment and kitchen coolers/freezer. 3. Photos Central Kitchen


Conference / Convention Centers


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1960 US Hwy 41, Marquette, MI

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