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Renovation of an educational facility in Hazard, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Any bids received after the designated time will be returned unopened. Bids shall be delivered in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of bidder and indicating identification of the project. Bids will be opened privately. B. The term Project as used herein shall refer to: Perry County Central High School - Gym HVAC Renovation AND Buckhorn School - Gym HVAC Renovation Perry County School District Hazard, Kentucky. The term Architect as used herein shall refer to: Hafer Suite 101 101 E Second Street Owensboro, Kentucky 42303. Proposals for the work as indicated on the contract documents will be received as follows: 8QLAHG%LG3DFNDJH Base Bid shall include general construction, mechanical construction and electrical construction. 6HSDUDWHELGVIRUHDFK school and a combined bid for both projects may be submitted. F. Construction shall be in full accordance with the Bidding Documents, which may be examined by prospective bidders at the following location: Hafer Suite 101 101 E Second Street Owensboro, Kentucky 42303. Using your company's active account information. If your company is not currently registered, you may do so by clicking "Register for an account". Registered account holders may GRZQORDG GLJLWDO AOHV for a nominal fee . Deposit checks shall be made out to "Hafer". a. Amount of the deposit for up to three sets of bidding documents may be refunded in full when the Plans DQG 6SHFLAFDWLRQV have been returned to MACO - Evansville Blue within ten (10) days after time set for receiving bids and in good re-usable condition. If the Plans DQG 6SHFLAFDWLRQV DUH returned after this ten (10) day period or in unusable condition, the deposit will be forfeited. b. One (1) set of bidding documents consists of one (1) Project Manual and one (1) Complete Set of Drawings. H. A bid may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days following the time and date designated for the receipt of bids. All work shall meet requirements of the GUDZLQJV VSHFLAFDtions and other Contract Documents prepared by Hafer. J. Costs for Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bond SHALL BE included in the contractor's bid. K. Subcontractor and Materials List: The bidder shall include with the Proposal Form the subcontractors and major material suppliers which the bidder will be using on the project. Once submitted, the bidder may not change a proposed subcontractor without Owner approval. Bidders should submit the Subcontractor/Material Supplier List with their bid. Owner reserves theright to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and alternates and unit prices if requested in the Bid Forms. It may FRQVLGHU WKH TXDOLAFDtions and experience of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the work for which the identity of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as specLAHG LQ WKH ',QIRUPDtion for Bidders". It may conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to establish the responsibility, TXDOLAFDWLRQVDQG AQDO ability of the bidders, proposed Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any such evaluation to Owner's satisfaction. P. Each bidder shall visit the site of the proposed work and become fully acquainted with conditions as they exist so the Bidder may fully understand the IDFLOLWLHV GLIAFXOWLHV and restrictions related to the execution of the work under contract. Bidder shall also thoroughly examine and be familiar with the Drawings and Project Manual. Failure or omission of any Bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument or document or to visit the site and to become acquainted with existing conditions shall in no way relieve the Bidder from any obligation with respect to the Bidder's Bid Proposal. Q. The Architect shall not be responsible for oral, telephonic instructions or any other verbal explanations or interpretations of the Construction Documents. Every request for such interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to Jess Park, Hafer, 21 SE Third Street, Suite 800, Evansville, IN 47708. No inquiry received within 5 GD\V RI WKH GDWH A[HG for opening of the Bids will be given consideration. Every interpretation made to a Bidder shall be in the form of an Addendum to the Contract Documents which, if issued, shall be sent as promptly as is practical to all persons to whom Contract documents have been issued. All such Addenda shall become part of the Contract Documents and must be acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form as having been received and included as part of the Bid Proposal. The projects are to be substantially complete on or before July 31, 2024.




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