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Published September 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ocala, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Office of the County Engineer wishes to obtain proposals and establish agreements for engineering related services. The Department wishes to have an agreement with a consultant to: A. provide construction plans and bid documents for immediate improvements to CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue); B. conduct an intersection study and analysis, provide design services, construction plans and bid documents for intersection improvements at the intersection of CR 475A and SW 66th Street; C. prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the CR 475A 4-Lane Widening Project; and D. provide design services, construction plans and bid documents in association with the 4-Lane Widening Project. The section of CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue) from SW 42nd Street to SW 66th Street is a highly traveled 2-lane, flush shoulder roadway with grassed swales, limited drainage pipes, and no drainage retention areas (DRAs). Flooding and congestion are the main issues facing this section of roadway. During heavy rain and storm events, the roadway floods in the vicinities south of Trinity Catholic High School to north of SW 53rd Street and south of SW 53rd Street to SW 55th Street Road. Maximum flood levels have approached a 4' depth over the roadway. The current mitigation plan is to close the road and pump the standing water to a City of Ocala DRA located along SW 42nd Street west of CR 475A. The road closure and associated detour adds time for citizens requiring emergency services in south and southwest Marion County to receive those services. The pumping cannot be performed at a maximum level consistently; it must be monitored and adjusted to avoid overflowing the City's DRA and SW 42nd Street in that vicinity. Traffic congestion has increased dramatically over the past several years. Commuters from south Marion County, particularly the southwest area use SW 49th Avenue, SW 66th Street, and CR 475A as an alternative to using SR 200 to reach Ocala. The traffic volume for CR 475A has an annual increase of 2.4%, and along SW 66th Street at an annual increase of 19.4%. This increase is most obvious approaching the intersection of CR 475A and SW 66th Street, with lengthy delays along the southbound and eastbound approaches. The existing intersection is a timed, signalized intersection with northbound, southbound, and eastbound left turn lanes. The existing right of way is 80' wide. Portions of the surrounding parcels are in environmentally sensitive areas. The contract term will be for six (6) months for the roadway improvements of CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue) and the intersection improvements for CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue) and SW 66th Street, with provisions for contract extension and/or additional negotiation at the discretion of the County, pending mutual agreement and Board approval for the CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue) Widening PER, and Design tasks. The selected firm shall serve as the Marion County Design Consultant for this project. For questions relating to this solicitation, contact: Anette Francia | anette.francia@marionfl.org LAST DAY FOR QUESTIONS: September 25, 2023, 12 NOON The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Ocala, FL

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RFQ - CR 475A (SW 27th Avenue) Improvements

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