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Published October 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a hospitality development in Oglesby, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a hospitality development.

Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center is seeking proposals for removal and replacement of the existing wood shingles from single and multiplex cabins surrounding the Lodge. Work will include the complete removal and replacement of the shake shingle roofing system, underlayment, insultation board, flashing, trim, gutters and downspouts, while maintaining the historic integrity of each building. 400, 500 & 600 Series Cabins - totaling 10 buildings, will be addressed in phases. The timing of the roof replacement will be determined at the time of the pre-bid meeting. Prevailing wage applies. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Starved Rock Hospitality Company requires the replacement of the roofing system on the 400 and 500 series Cabins and 606 /607 cabin located at Starved Rock State Park, LaSalle County, Illinois. The existing roof consists of cedar shake shingles on rigid insulation board with tongue and groove roof decking. The pitch of the roof is 6:12. Work will include: The bid will include the removal and replacement of the existing wood shingles from 400 and 500 series cabins and 606/607 cabin. Work will include the complete removal of the shake shingle roofing system, underlayment, insultation board, flashing, trim, gutters and downspouts. The roof will receive new roofing material consisting of ice and water shield at eaves and valleys, ventilated rigid insultation board, ventilating underlayment, 15# felt interlaced between shake courses, new cedar shake shingles, re-flash roof penetrations, new trim, clean up surface, repair any joints seams and joints, and replacement of the existing copper gutters, and flashing and reinstalling the existing downspouts. The condition of the roof deck for the most part is believed to be in sound condition. The roof deck will need to be inspected for rotting and soft spots before installation of the new roof system. Any suspect areas should be brought to the attention of the IDNR Regional Engineer. The contractor shall provide all labor and materials necessary and reasonably incidental to the completion of the project. A pre-bid meeting is planned for this project. It is highly recommended that prospective bidders visit the site to become familiar with the existing conditions before submitting a bid. The contractor can inspect the roof during the pre-bid meeting or can schedule an appointment. The timing of the roof replacement will be determined by the time of the pre-bid meeting.

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Hotel / Motel


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Multiple Locations, Oglesby, IL

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400 & 500 Cabin Roof Replacement

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