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Published September 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a data center facility in Saint Clairsville, Ohio. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a data center facility.

The Belmont Correctional Institution (BECI) was established in 1995 as an adult correctional facility. This project aims to enhance the functionality and security of the institution by upgrading the existing control room and replacing doors throughout the facility. The project scope includes the comprehensive modernization of BECI's control room. This entails evaluating the existing control room layout and systems as well as subsequently designing a modernized control room infrastructure along with upgraded communication and monitoring equipment. The primary objectives are to enhance overall security and operational efficiency of the facility while creating an ergonomic and user-friendly workspace for the staff. The project also involves the replacement of numerous doors within the facility to address wear and tear issues. This includes identifying doors in need of replacement, identifying appropriate door materials, and coordination with the facility locksmith to determine proper hardware and locking mechanisms. Scope of Services For projects advertised with an appropriately developed Program of Requirements (''POR''), upon award of the Agreement, commence with Design. For projects without such a POR, upon award of the Agreement, commence by developing the Program of Requirements. The selected A/E, as a portion of its required Scope of Services and prior to submitting its proposals, will discuss and clarify with the Owner and/or the Contracting Authority, the cost breakdown of the Architect/Engineer Agreement detailed cost components to address the Owner's project requirements. Participate in the Encouraging Diversity, Growth& Equity (EDGE) Program as required by statute and the Agreement. As required by the Agreement, and as properly authorized, provide the following categories of services: Program Verification, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Document Preparation, Bid and Award Support, Conformed Documents, Construction Administration, Post-Construction, and Additional Services of all types. Please list all major scope services needed to complete the selection process for successful project delivery. The specific scope of services must state building types, functional design or specialized professional services required to evaluate the level of experience of each applicant firm (e.g., parking garage, kitchen design, correctional facility, medical facility). The scope of services should also define the types of basic and additional professional design and administration services necessary for the project (e.g. LEED credentials and experience, previous experience with local jurisdiction or similar sites, previous experience working with the State of Ohio, Building Information Modeling (''BIM'') experience and training, specific BIM and Owner-defined requirements, level of development to be achieved within BIM models, BIM deliverables, and Owner's intended use of BIM models after construction).


Data Centers


Public - State/Provincial


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September 15, 2024


68518 Bannock Uniontown Rd, Saint Clairsville, OH

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