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Published September 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Closter, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Specifications 1. Contractor is responsible for securing utility mark-outs prior to planting. 2. Trees are to be two to two & one-half inch (2-2 Vs") caliper; single stem, balled and burlapped as specified below. NOTE: Tree size may vary amongst different species. 3. Trees must be sourced and grown within 300 miles of Closter, NJ. 4. Trees are to be planted in accordance with A.N.S.I. specs and NJ Forestry standards. 5. Trees are to be handled with care; unloaded not dropped. 6. Wire basket and/or burlap must be cut and removed at time of planting. 7. Root flare must be 1" above surrounding grade. 8. Adventitious roots above root flare, any girdling and "J" roots to be removed at time of planting. 9. Trees must be watered at time of planting with 10-20 gallons of water. 10. All trees will be planted and finished with a minimum three-inch (3") layer of hard wood or bark mulch; no mulch "volcanoes" around tree base, only "donuts." 11. Deer guards must be provided and placed on each tree (A.M. Leonard BG48 Rigid Mesh 48") and secured at 3 points using 3-ply organic biodegradable twine or rope; white paper tree wrap to be installed on Maples in addition to deer guards. 12. Trees are to be staked only when necessary. 13. Substitutions will not be accepted without prior, written approval of the Shade Tree Commission



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Closter, NJ

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