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Published September 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Freeway Lighting and Tower Maintenance MDOT The contractor shall supply all labor and equipment required to perform the necessary repairs and maintenance of freeway lights, tower lamps, pedestrian tunnel lights, and troubleshooting, per MDOT specifications, as needed in Kent County, Michigan, and under the direction of Steve Roon, Director of Maintenance, Kent County Road Commission and/or other designated personnel. KCRC shall provide the awarded contractor(s) with the required parts, such as bulbs, ballast, and miscellaneous electrical items, as needed. KCRC shall retain the MDOT toolbox used on the tower lights, which the contractors can utilize daily, upon request. Contractor shall provide an adequate crew consisting of a journeymen electrician with troubleshooting experience with a bucket truck for the freeway lights and without a bucket truck for the tower lamps, pedestrian tunnel lights and troubleshooting. Contractor shall replace the non-working bulb, replacing the ballast each time the bulb is replaced and investigating and testing any malfunctioning or broken circuits, breakers, fuses and photo eyes, as needed, and at that time shall clean all dirt, debris, and bugs from the glass lamps. Contractor shall have access to all electrical cabinets and all cabinets shall have MDOT #2359 or #2104 pad-locks. MDOT will provide padlocks and appropriate keys upon award of contract. Kent County Road Commission contact is Steve Roon, Director of Maintenance, at 616- 242-6950 or email: sroon@kentcountyroads.net Contact information for KCRC designated personnel will be provided as needed.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 19, 2023

October 19, 2023


Multiple Locations, Grand Rapids, MI

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