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Site work for a water / sewer project in Washington Township, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Located in Montgomery County, Ohio, Washington Township is a suburb south of Dayton. It encompasses approximately 21 square miles including the unincorporated portion, with a population of 37,444 residents, and the incorporated portion, with a population of 24,240 residents, for a total population of 61,684. Washington Township provides vital local services through its Development Services, Fire, Information Systems, Police, Public Works, and Recreation departments. The Recreation Department, RecPlex, provides recreation opportunities to the communities of Washington Township and the City of Centerville. The RecPlex campus totals 32.7 acres and is home to 21.2 acres of parkland and 115,000 sq. ft. of facilities including RecPlex East, RecPlex West, Town Hall Theatre and Countryside Park. Programs are offered in aquatics; fitness and sports; theater; adult, senior and youth enrichment; and special events. Funding is provided by a local tax levy, patron passes, participant fees, donations and grants. Program and facility decisions are influenced by a 2021 Strategic Plan and 2022 Park Master Plan. Tentative Project Award *Subject to change October 16, 2023 Washington Township RecPlex (RecPlex) is requesting a professional quotation from a qualified contractor to install an underground drainage system with connection to existing roof drain downspouts at RecPlex West. The purpose of the Project is to control roof water drainage. The following scope of service should be addressed in the quotation. The quotation should also clearly identify deliverables. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND PARAMETERS Provide a plan and implement installation of a system to direct rainwater from 5 existing downspouts on the northside roof of RecPlex West to a main line that connects to an existing 12" pipe that moves water underground to the creek along the north property line. Concrete replacement at downspout connection points is to be included in the quote; asphalt patching is not. The Project requires a general contractor with relevant expertise that will develop the Project using the scope of work in this RFQ. Contractors providing the best quotation must address the complete RFQ scope of work and represent the lowest and best estimate for the work. Question Deadline 09/20/2023 at 4:30 PM ET Questions regarding the Request for Quotes should be submitted in writing to Mark Metzger at email address:

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Washington Township, OH

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