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Published September 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, remodeling and renovation of an educational facility in College Park, Maryland. Completed plans call for the demolition of a educational facility; and for the renovation of a educational facility.

Jeffrey Brown Contracting has been selected by The University of Maryland, College Park Department of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing to provide full design-build services for the Van Munching Hall - New Classrooms project on the campus of University of Maryland College Park. **Please note that all subcontractors must be pre-qualified by Jeffrey Brown Contracting in order for their bid proposal to be considered. Van Munching Hall was constructed in 1992 and is 157,571 NASF/ 290,787 GSF. Parts of the building were renovated in 2011. The proposed classrooms are currently existing office suites or adjacent room groupings that will be consolidated to create the new spaces. The intent is to provide the School of Business with state-of-the-art competitive classroom environments. The goals for this project include the reconfiguration of some existing spaces into four (4) new classrooms and an informal learning space at Van Munching Hall on levels one and two that will require minor demolition, new walls, ceilings, and finishes and any additional or modified utilities such as mechanical reconfigurations. The total area for spaces identified for reprogramming/construction is approximately 7,697 GSF. Bid Packages: 02A Demolition 06B Millwork 08A Glass & Glazing 08C Doors, Frames, Hardware 09A Drywall & Rough Carpentry 09B Painting 09C Flooring 10A Window Shades 10B Accessories 21A Fire Protection 22A Plumbing 23A Mechanical 26A Electrical 27A Low Voltage




Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, Remodeling, Renovation

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 27, 2023

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7699 Mowatt Ln, College Park, MD

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